Deathless She Hulk - Big Red Numbers

Haven’t seen a lot of discussion on deathless she hulk yet. I immediately r3ed her when I got her, and she makes for probably the easiest necro Titania solo I’ve done (and Kate solo is fairly easy). First, some big red numbers from one of the fights: 
That’s over 100k on a medium attack. Here is the last half of the fight the screenshot is taken from.
And here is a different solo against necro Titania with deathless she hulk where I mess up a lot more, but showing just how smooth the fight is with deathless she hulk. The red numbers aren’t quite as big at the end since I was bad about avoiding a lot of weakness, but it was still a fairly easy rhythm.

That’s over 100k on a medium attack. Here is the last half of the fight the screenshot is taken from.
And here is a different solo against necro Titania with deathless she hulk where I mess up a lot more, but showing just how smooth the fight is with deathless she hulk. The red numbers aren’t quite as big at the end since I was bad about avoiding a lot of weakness, but it was still a fairly easy rhythm.
To people who prefer seeing it within forums.
Also, she is the best deathless champ by far.
She hulk works by gaining fury passives giving extra attack. The deathless version works the opposite way, through inflicting debuffs. So instead of extra attack it’s just extra pure damage, which appears in red.