Regarding the silent buff and lack of communication and the dissapointment of the banquet event.

Here is a summary of kind of everything I've seen so far.
- DISCLAIMER - these are not only my thoughts but the thoughts I've seen portrayed in the community as a whole, if you do not agree that is totally ok, but for many players that have invested a lot and care a lot about the game, but are dissapointed - this is for you.
- Others have commented on this as well but 2 7*s and a 7* nexus have been added to the realm events.
- These rewards are still unreachable for many players, over 15k units is just not possible for many free to play. I understand that this is a step in the right direction, but i feel it is for the wrong reasons.
- Kabam you have asked for constructive feedback and you have been given such. The banquet crystals truly are underwhelming, never in my life would i spend 300 units for 2 sig stones or some t6cc fragments. I agree that the drop rates were posted and that it is my fault i opened the crystals i have so far, but I really wasn't expecting to have to pull out a calculator to stop me from being part of such a hyped event.
- You haven't changed the GBC at all, and when comparing SBC to GBC droprates, the droprates and probable value per crystal is actually worse than for the GBC. For example while 7* shards are better than 6* shards, when you drop the rates for 7*, you effectively drop the overall value for valiant players. So for cavalier GBC crystals have much more value than SBC for valiant and paragon. Make it make sense please?
- It is true that everything in the crystal can be used to upgrade a 7*, but the amounts and rates are horrible. 100 crystals = 30K units to max sig a 7*. 40 crystals = 12K units for enough t6cc to r2 not even r3 a 7*. 300 crystals = 90K units, by probability, to get enough t4 alpha to r3 a single champion. Many of these materials can be bought from the battlegrounds and glory stores, even the rankup store for much cheaper.
- Pushing the rewards into the milestones and realm events, in your words, was to make the disconnect between whales and the average player/spender smaller. The whole point of whaling is to get an account past what a nonspender could ahead of time. It has always been this way. Whales got R3 6*s before anyone else, they got R3 7*s first. There are Whales with almost all if not all 7*s in their roster, many at R2 and R3, give them a R4, if a cash grab is the point of the event which it seems it is. Also it is quite hypocritical that you say that the gap should be smaller, but then add the silent buff so that only larger spenders can achieve the rewards/
- Moving many rewards into milestones is another fancy way of saying if you want to get anything of value empty your pockets and spend spend spend.
- The whole community has been complaining about the crystals for the banquet event, and what do you do? You add 7*s into the milestones far enough so that players need to buy even more HORRIBLE UNCHANGED crystals. The irony is honestly wonderful. You are asking your community to do the very thing they were complaing about in exchange for 3 7*s, which to point out - with bad RNG - might still bring 0 value to a players roster.
- The banquet/gifting event has mostly been an event where many summoners have a chance to get to the next progression level, perhaps aim to get that one champ that has been eluding them, make great additions to their roster and power up their team.
- I believe you honestly would have made much much much more money had you improved the crystals and scrapped the milestones completely.
- People love to gamble, give them a realistic chance at a big win without any crushing dissapointments taking their attention away and they will spend and encourage others to as well. Milestones used to feel like great bonus rewards, an incentive to buy more crystals that in and of themselves were great value. Now they seem like leverage that is being used against the community. "If you dont shove 40 more brussel sprouts down your throat you cant have a cupcake. The recent silent buff - You know what 80 more and ill add sprinkles on that cupcake"
- The bonus rewards in the realm event are a true sign that you listened to NONE of the player feedback, ARE NOT WILLING to compromise with or satisfy your player base in any way, and of the ABSOLUTE GREED that has taken over kabam.
As an end note thank you for all your hard work thus far this year. The 10x10 drop was amazing, the new character designs were incredible. I dont wish to berate Kabam because i know a lot of hard work has gone into everything they do. All I am saying is please consider listening to your community because we can make your company thrive. Dont ignore us because we so far pose no threat to the business model you have. Please for once take action instead of waiting until a reaction is necessary when ratings and income drop. Let me know if i missed anything huge. Thank you.
- DISCLAIMER - these are not only my thoughts but the thoughts I've seen portrayed in the community as a whole, if you do not agree that is totally ok, but for many players that have invested a lot and care a lot about the game, but are dissapointed - this is for you.
- Others have commented on this as well but 2 7*s and a 7* nexus have been added to the realm events.
- These rewards are still unreachable for many players, over 15k units is just not possible for many free to play. I understand that this is a step in the right direction, but i feel it is for the wrong reasons.
- Kabam you have asked for constructive feedback and you have been given such. The banquet crystals truly are underwhelming, never in my life would i spend 300 units for 2 sig stones or some t6cc fragments. I agree that the drop rates were posted and that it is my fault i opened the crystals i have so far, but I really wasn't expecting to have to pull out a calculator to stop me from being part of such a hyped event.
- You haven't changed the GBC at all, and when comparing SBC to GBC droprates, the droprates and probable value per crystal is actually worse than for the GBC. For example while 7* shards are better than 6* shards, when you drop the rates for 7*, you effectively drop the overall value for valiant players. So for cavalier GBC crystals have much more value than SBC for valiant and paragon. Make it make sense please?
- It is true that everything in the crystal can be used to upgrade a 7*, but the amounts and rates are horrible. 100 crystals = 30K units to max sig a 7*. 40 crystals = 12K units for enough t6cc to r2 not even r3 a 7*. 300 crystals = 90K units, by probability, to get enough t4 alpha to r3 a single champion. Many of these materials can be bought from the battlegrounds and glory stores, even the rankup store for much cheaper.
- Pushing the rewards into the milestones and realm events, in your words, was to make the disconnect between whales and the average player/spender smaller. The whole point of whaling is to get an account past what a nonspender could ahead of time. It has always been this way. Whales got R3 6*s before anyone else, they got R3 7*s first. There are Whales with almost all if not all 7*s in their roster, many at R2 and R3, give them a R4, if a cash grab is the point of the event which it seems it is. Also it is quite hypocritical that you say that the gap should be smaller, but then add the silent buff so that only larger spenders can achieve the rewards/
- Moving many rewards into milestones is another fancy way of saying if you want to get anything of value empty your pockets and spend spend spend.
- The whole community has been complaining about the crystals for the banquet event, and what do you do? You add 7*s into the milestones far enough so that players need to buy even more HORRIBLE UNCHANGED crystals. The irony is honestly wonderful. You are asking your community to do the very thing they were complaing about in exchange for 3 7*s, which to point out - with bad RNG - might still bring 0 value to a players roster.
- The banquet/gifting event has mostly been an event where many summoners have a chance to get to the next progression level, perhaps aim to get that one champ that has been eluding them, make great additions to their roster and power up their team.
- I believe you honestly would have made much much much more money had you improved the crystals and scrapped the milestones completely.
- People love to gamble, give them a realistic chance at a big win without any crushing dissapointments taking their attention away and they will spend and encourage others to as well. Milestones used to feel like great bonus rewards, an incentive to buy more crystals that in and of themselves were great value. Now they seem like leverage that is being used against the community. "If you dont shove 40 more brussel sprouts down your throat you cant have a cupcake. The recent silent buff - You know what 80 more and ill add sprinkles on that cupcake"
- The bonus rewards in the realm event are a true sign that you listened to NONE of the player feedback, ARE NOT WILLING to compromise with or satisfy your player base in any way, and of the ABSOLUTE GREED that has taken over kabam.
As an end note thank you for all your hard work thus far this year. The 10x10 drop was amazing, the new character designs were incredible. I dont wish to berate Kabam because i know a lot of hard work has gone into everything they do. All I am saying is please consider listening to your community because we can make your company thrive. Dont ignore us because we so far pose no threat to the business model you have. Please for once take action instead of waiting until a reaction is necessary when ratings and income drop. Let me know if i missed anything huge. Thank you.