Perspective of a non spender

So I’m a ftp who literally wasted 16k units on the banquet, 16k units that took me 7 months to grind from arena (including battlechip crystals) and I got a Tiddlywink of bang for my buck, I feel like quitting after playing consistently for 9 years, not 10 like the event portrays yet it’s still a scam fueled disappointment.
Delusional kabam shlong rider and think the event was a perfect no hiccup kabam scenario which is absolutely ridiculous, my words will do nothing I’m certain but this is the catalyst for my quitting of the game, nobody will miss me and the 300k plus pvp matches won on my profile which is primarily arena fights is a waste of my existence apparently
Talking about, calling people names, basically daring people to hit the disagree button might not be the best way to get people to agree with your post...
I used 4.1k units and I lucked out I think the rng is hit or miss 16k units is crazy though