Levels of Rank Rewards. As in different Rank Rewards for Valiant, TB, UC ??
Or just that the Rank Rewards is showing under the REALM EVENTS. When, yes, it should really have been listed under the SOLO EVENTS.
But whichever category they have the Individual Rank Rewards listed under (Solo vs Realm), it is really just the same. Ranked Rewards for your individual points, in comparison to everyone else.
ALLY points event has it's own Rank Rewarda, correctly listed.
Honestly it's just the solo event made different and less instant rewarding to players if it was what it should be it wouldn't take rewards from solo and alliance event and throw them in realm the first version which was deaths in necro was the way all realm should be free rewards that don't take from the reward budget of event or quest just extra stuff that the community could work towards together
Or just that the Rank Rewards is showing under the REALM EVENTS.
When, yes, it should really have been listed under the SOLO EVENTS.
But whichever category they have the Individual Rank Rewards listed under (Solo vs Realm), it is really just the same. Ranked Rewards for your individual points, in comparison to everyone else.
ALLY points event has it's own Rank Rewarda, correctly listed.
Rank rewards in realm event would seemingly mean there is competition but its a collective effort from the entire community.