Banquet is bad - but the christams gift surely has been influenced by the community response

DodikDodik Member Posts: 7
I truly believe that, unless proven otherwise by some facts from last years.

I'd let Kabam be. They cant "totaly change their event" coz they would weak. They cant agree to make a mistake. But is it a mistake when GLOBAL EVENT holds main rewards? It isnt. But its hard to make people understand. Was i dissapointed by event? Oh yea, i was. I am still. And i wont buy $$ units for Banquet ever again.

But im sure there was a NON-NEXUS titan in Christmas rewards inside before all that backlash. Opinions ?


  • DodikDodik Member Posts: 7
    Lokx said:

    Does it matter? If you already made up your mind that banquet was a bust and you have chosen to not engage financially with it next year, then what benefit does speculating if the gift was changed.

    Just feels like making a post just to be miserable. Banquet was bad, no point in getting a great gift feel negative.

    I didnt want it to sound negative. I wanted to point out the fact, that Kabam had INDEED took some steps to make people "happier" than he normaly would, given circumstances
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Idk about you guys, but I got 3 new R3s this event + gift, and are a week from my 4th…yeah,we got a lot of T5/T6, but those milestones T4 was 🔥🔥🔥

    Dust, Sassy and Knull to R3…if we get the GG 7* AG i might use it on Medusa, sig her up and R3 her next…🥳
  • EaleoEaleo Member Posts: 18

    Idk about you guys, but I got 3 new R3s this event + gift, and are a week from my 4th…yeah,we got a lot of T5/T6, but those milestones T4 was 🔥🔥🔥

    Dust, Sassy and Knull to R3…if we get the GG 7* AG i might use it on Medusa, sig her up and R3 her next…🥳

    For most valiants for 15000-18000 units, that’s not a great ROI, especially given that the unit deals themselves were pretty awful compared to cyber/4th of July. The milestones were great for paragon and below and mid for most valiants. That’s the issue — with the milestones not being amazing and the crystals/unit deals being pretty terrible, it was overall a frustrating time.

    The gift was fantastic, but doesn’t fix the other issues. It does restore a little good will, but doesn’t make me/many other valiants likely to spend a decent amount any time soon. They didn’t address the core issue (I take less issue with them not fixing it [because it’s difficult to do so without a lot more angry people who already spent], but more with how their community response was completely tone deaf and aggravating to anyone who did spend.
  • BloodreaperBloodreaper Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2024

    Idk about you guys, but I got 3 new R3s this event + gift, and are a week from my 4th…yeah,we got a lot of T5/T6, but those milestones T4 was 🔥🔥🔥

    Dust, Sassy and Knull to R3…if we get the GG 7* AG i might use it on Medusa, sig her up and R3 her next…🥳

    I got 3 great 7 stars. And I'm still on act 6.2 Ranked up my shang chi and cgr to rank 4, got dust, doom, Nick. In just the 1st day of banquet
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