Where’s your Glorious Guardians AG going?

Pretty easy choice for me between her, purg, and Dpx

She carried me through so much content as a maxed 4* so many years ago. So glad to have her as my highest PI champ and first sig 200 7*.
Who did you use it on?

She carried me through so much content as a maxed 4* so many years ago. So glad to have her as my highest PI champ and first sig 200 7*.
Who did you use it on?
Maybe a first?
I will R3 her next week.
Pretty decent damage 🥵🥵🥵
Gave it to this sort. Debating on another 50 sigs for her or not
I have never used him as an attacker and don't plan to, his mechanics are too mechanical for me.
My options
just ran rol and he beat em all including regen wolvie almost with no effort I am impressed
@Average_Desi did you got any wins with that sentinel in defense
Who would you say is a better Dual threat Red Skull or Sentinel?
Her mostly for the true buff.
The AG and sigs