Those who are no longer investing in 6*'s, would you like the OPTION to sell or trade in T2 dust?

T2 Dust has been around for a while now. This is a resource that's strictly for 6* champs. Since 7*'s have been here, and many players are no longer using rank up resources on 6's, and we keep getting it as a reward, it often ends up in overflow where it either expires or we're forced to use it. I think it's time for the OPTION to sell it, or trade it in.
It takes 3 T6CC's and 6 Basic and T3A's take a 6* to r5. T2 dust is to take a champ to "r6", so it seems like it could be "equivalent" to maybe 4 T6CC's, and 7 Basic and Alphas? These or half in fragments and gold, would be a decent return on a resource many are no longer using.

It takes 3 T6CC's and 6 Basic and T3A's take a 6* to r5. T2 dust is to take a champ to "r6", so it seems like it could be "equivalent" to maybe 4 T6CC's, and 7 Basic and Alphas? These or half in fragments and gold, would be a decent return on a resource many are no longer using.

Those who are no longer investing in 6*'s, would you like the OPTION to sell or trade in T2 dust? 58 votes
Say 200 T2 Dust for 10 sig stones. about 200 T2 Dust for 7 x 7* sig stone and some 7* AG shards for Valiant? 😉 🤣🤣🤣
Also how about 200 T2 Dust for 3 x 7* sig stones for my bothers/sisters THE Paragon players. While we might no longer be at the same station, we but we still travel on the same track 😁
I'll just use it on fun champs that are r4.
Maybe my r3 mojo and take him to r4 and ascend him if I don't pull him to do fins mojo carinas.
Maybe one day ascend my r5 Angela (she's the only r5 6* I have that's still not ascended) but yeah..... I'm running out of uses for it, overall.
Bump it up to maybe 1000 and I'll be happy.
Doom and torch.
I've ran out of champs to ascend. Now I'm ascending r4s and probably r3s which we will never see as 7*s.
I don’t know if now is that time, but would like to see it eventually.
By add an option to trade (in my opinion) for something else it can be a great benefit to all players.
For those that no longer want to Ascend anymore 6* they can trade, while those that want to use the Ascension dust they can do, and when they no long want to they can join the trade in.
The beautiful thing about MCOC is the diversity community, with everyone play, enjoy and manage their accounts differently.
Kabam constantly talking about rewards "budget" by giving options, it will enable players to feel like they are getting more, while Kabam not "really" giving out more, just options.
But anyway personally I think that most thread/idea/discussion around this time is pointless, it all go into a Void (like our units into SBC) similar to the many bugs been reported, including the Incursion bug, since I'm assume mosy Kabam staffs are off enjoy the holiday season (and rightly so).
So maybe let revisit this in Jan, when Kabam back to work.
But in no way I want more of it.. just whatever is given right now is fine
It will be there IF we need to use it.