Please Change the Summoners Choice Vote selection

JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11
Good Evening Kabam/ and Fellow Summoners:

I am starting this discussion because I feel like the choices we have for 2025 summoners choice vote are not very exciting. They are not exciting because these are characters that we do not know nor are interested in. I know there are a lot of summoners who want to see the following: Lizard, Franklin Richard’s, Morph, Toxin, Achilles, Lady Siph, or Mystique. Idk, these are champs I would be excited to see come to the game for sure especially morph with the ability to transform into animals.


  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11
    Vance2_jr said:

    No. You don’t know who they are and you aren’t interested. I, however, do. Electra, and Mr. knight and Echo are fine choices.

    Your right so why the heck would I want to play one of listed champs, a lot of the champs I have listed should have been added before the 10 year Anniversary I would gladly take Franklin Richard’s over any of the Moon Night characters.
  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11

    Bro can't even spell Sif right

    How long did you look at your little six word quote before saying I could not spell Lady Sif. How about we bring something constructive to the table?
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,604 ★★★★★
    I insist you to look at hellcat 😳
  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2024
    PT_99 said:

    I insist you to look at hellcat 😳

    Let me take a look

  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2024
    There she is garbage it’s the same M/O as the Moon Night series.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    I agree for Franklin Richards only, the rest you want I don't care for myself. Everyone had a different opinion of who they want and Kabam has to balance what is best for the company. I'm pretty sure Marvel has a say on who they can bring in as well. that means, Kabam and Marvel has a lot of influence on who they like to bring in and you have zero influence and I'm glad you since I only like one of your choices.
  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11

    I agree for Franklin Richards only, the rest you want I don't care for myself. Everyone had a different opinion of who they want and Kabam has to balance what is best for the company. I'm pretty sure Marvel has a say on who they can bring in as well. that means, Kabam and Marvel has a lot of influence on who they like to bring in and you have zero influence and I'm glad you since I only like one of your choices.

    So you wouldn’t want Morph we don’t have a shapeshifter in the game, but anyways I respect your opinion bro, let’s keep everything the same and change nothing.

  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11
    Why don’t we as a community actually present a list of better choices then, it doesn’t have to be the list I made those were just examples.
  • JnacuaJnacua Member Posts: 11
    Ok I copy.
  • XlebXleb Member Posts: 619 ★★★

    They're all clearly related to Daredevil and moon Knight, likely because it ties into the narrative for the month they're planned to enter the game.

    I think it won't have as much to do with them as it will have to do with New Manhattan (or maybe the World Tree will transform it into the whole New York)
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 833 ★★★★
    Jnacua said:

    Why don’t we as a community actually present a list of better choices then, it doesn’t have to be the list I made those were just examples.

    What better list? The point of the vote is to let the community decide which of the given choices they want to see in the game first. If it was just meant to be “which of any Marvel character do I want”, I’m sure they could just spin up a google form and have us fill in the blank. They don’t want to do that because then they might have to commit to a champ they don’t have the resources or ideas for (you mentioned Mystique as a poll option, I’m pretty sure it’s been established that Kabam just doesn’t have the tech in place to do her shapeshifting powers justice). Besides, when you make the list you’re committing to the fact that most of them won’t see the light of day for a while (if they all made it to the game within a year then there wouldn’t be much of a point to the vote), which it turns out is pretty frustrating to the player base when the list is nothing but popular characters who “should” be in the game.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    I haven’t even looked but I just have a feeling whoever is the more well known or mainstream one is likely going to win.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Jnacua said:

    Why don’t we as a community actually present a list of better choices then, it doesn’t have to be the list I made those were just examples.

    Because you completely misunderstand the point of summoners choice
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Xleb said:

    They're all clearly related to Daredevil and moon Knight, likely because it ties into the narrative for the month they're planned to enter the game.

    I think it won't have as much to do with them as it will have to do with New Manhattan (or maybe the World Tree will transform it into the whole New York)
    That's the same thing as what I'm saying
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    Jnacua said:

    Good Evening Kabam/ and Fellow Summoners:

    I am starting this discussion because I feel like the choices we have for 2025 summoners choice vote are not very exciting. They are not exciting because these are characters that we do not know nor are interested in. I know there are a lot of summoners who want to see the following: Lizard, Franklin Richard’s, Morph, Toxin, Achilles, Lady Siph, or Mystique. Idk, these are champs I would be excited to see come to the game for sure especially morph with the ability to transform into animals.

    First, you're assuming everyone likes, wants, and knows the same Marvel characters. We don't. Everyone knows about different characters and likes different characters. There's zero chance the majority of MCOC players knows who either Morph or Achilles is, for example (beyond the Greek myths). The fact that you put them on a list of champs "we" would rather see to replace champs most don't know or are interested in should inform you of how incredibly skewed your idea of who's common knowledge or interesting is.

    Second, you also probably have some kind of vision of what those characters would do when translated into MCOC, ala "transform into animals." However, your mental image of them might be totally different from what the developers design for the champion. They might focus on different aspects of the character than you do. They have to deal with technological limitations you aren't aware of. It is highly unlikely, for example, that they would put Morph into the game as a champion that "transforms into animals" because the technology to transform champions into other forms in a practical way doesn't currently exist. And yes: this has been discussed many times in the past. If you're thinking "they can just do X" it has already been suggested, discussed, and determined to be either impossible or impractical.

    My guess is that why you want Franklin Richards is because of his ultra-powerful reality warping powers, but in MCOC all powers are toned down to fit into the balance realm of a fighting game. We have Phoenix, we have Sentry, we have Galan (aka Galactus). That's the potential range of power that Franklin Richards might have. I doubt you'd get what you want from him. You want Mystique and Morph because of shape shifting, but shape shifting was previously been discussed as being technologically challenging. Everybody else on your list - Lizard, Toxin, Achilles, Sif - have fans, but I'd be surprised if any of them won a Summoner's Choice vote.
    Jnacua said:

    Why don’t we as a community actually present a list of better choices then, it doesn’t have to be the list I made those were just examples.

    Anyone at any time can suggest a champion be added to the game. The logic behind the Summoner's Choice is that those champions are options the dev team has already considered and have an idea of how they might be implemented, and already decided would be good fits for the game but for whatever reason other champions have been prioritized above them and they aren't likely to be added to the game any time soon. As a result, unlike a suggestion, these are champions that have already passed all the hurdles to be added to the game, they just didn't get scheduled to be added. So the players' votes can take a champion that *could* be added but at the moment *won't* be added (in the foreseeable future) across that last hurdle and into the game.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    out of the 8 choices, I want 4 added: Hunter's Moon, Hellcat, Colleen Wing and Power Man.
    Of the other 4, I'd be fine with Elektradevil and Mr Knight. I could also live with Echo.
    I don't care about Shroud.

    I know who all of the characters are; I've read comics with 7 of the 8 in. I'm loving the current Moon Knight titles from the last few years with Hunter's Moon and Shroud in. I enjoyed what I saw of Elektradevil in the Gang War mini-event. I loved AKA Hellcat from a few years back and the She-Hulk series she's been a supporting character in, as well as the Iron Man series she was a supporting character in. Power Man was in three Avengers series I enjoyed. I've enjoyed Colleen as a supporting character in Amazing Spider-Man and a couple of other titles.

    Do not presume to speak for me in saying these are characters I don't know, don't care about or don't find exciting.
  • EverythingZenEverythingZen Member Posts: 37
    Personally none of these characters really interest me that much, but that's okay I think. As shown above they do interest some people. Everyone wants to see the characters that they enjoyed reading or being a fan of in game. Bottom line is that you don't have to love or even know who every single character is to enjoy playing them.

    Kabam just please buff Thor, for the love of the God of Thunder please.
  • Ant_WarriorAnt_Warrior Member Posts: 199
    Imagine being uneducated on Colleen Wing, she slaps
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    They all sux….
  • Parker_RipleyParker_Ripley Member Posts: 2
    Franklin Richards will never be in the game. It would be like adding The Beyonder. He's way too op
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    I will not tolerate any disrespect towards my boy Mr. Knight. It's about time we got a cool new Moon Knight character. Hunter's Moon is dope as well
  • Andrew31Andrew31 Member Posts: 8
    Honestly, I'd be happy with the addition of an "opt out" choice. i do have disdain for the disrespect you've received for voicing your opinion.
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