Juggs or Hulk r3

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,024 ★★★
I'll have enough t4a soon to r3 one champ. So shall I r3 hulk or juggs both Unduped. Bgs not priority.

Juggs or Hulk r3 26 votes

ZENbuffajrTerraAndyBaron7GodofLoaAyden_noah1svilariumcaptain_rogersHemajWolf911HippoSleek_JChrisRM93ErrangwestendbearHulk808Onepieceisnotreal 16 votes
Rayven5220JhonST33Envi1JackTheSnackPirate_JennySuper_Cretu90Uzzy131004GlocqueKingering_KingBungo 10 votes


  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,317 ★★★
    Easily way WAY better for r3. I have him r3, and he’s amazing.
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 551 ★★★
    Sorry, both. Can’t go wrong either way. I have both r3. Are you weaker in any class? They both do well unawakened. And they’re both simple to use, just mash!
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★
    I have both at R3 awaken and I love both. Hulk can take more fights. Once Juggs loses his Gem, it's a tough fight. Hulk smashes no matter what even if they are stun immune. He hits so hard once ramp up.
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