Sig 200 Adam Warlock is an Endgame Cheat Code

ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★
Adam Warlock has been one of my favorite champions in the game ever since I pulled the 6* version last year. I immediately took him up to rank 5, only to then pull and dupe him in quick succession during that year's Banquet event. Well, up went the 7*. The only thing that I was missing from my 6* version was that he was at max sig there and I had really grown to love all that comes with that, so I immediately started pouring sig stones into the 7* as soon as they began trickling in.

Now, a year later, I finally managed to reach sig 200 on him thanks to a combination of the Banquet rewards and doing some of the new Carina's challenges.

Why, you might wonder. It's not a signature ability that every Youtuber is raving about. In fact, I've heard some people be outright annoyed at certain aspects of it - namely the 100% chance to stun the opponent if they strike into you while you're inside of the pod. By stunning them that way, it prevents them from throwing their specials into your pod, saving you from the damage. Instead they have the special ready when you emerge from the pod and can immediately throw it in your face.

I think that's a valid concern, but I also think it's a very small concern in the grand scheme of things. Since they are very likely to have a taunt on them if you've played things correctly, I've never had any real issues to bait out a special from them while I'm in the pod. It's when they don't have a special ready that they generally strike into your pod and get stunned, which I find to be an awesome piece of utility. It gives you an easy opening when you exit the pod and you don't have to worry about timing a parry perfectly or dashing back.


That chance to stun is not why I took my Adam Warlock to sig 200. No, the actual reason is the other part of his signature ability: the regen he gains whenever he enters his pod. At sig 200, it's 10% of his missing health over 2 seconds. This is insanely powerful since you enter the pod every time you activate an SP2.

It's even more powerful if you're running the Recoil masteries. The reason for that is that the pod protects you from the Recoil damage, and then you heal 10% of your missing health. I did a previous post half a year ago about how absolutely bonkers he was in Necropolis even with the "-50% to Willpower potency" node in there. He didn't care. He was able to spam special attacks and take all of that increased Liquid Courage/Double Edge damage, and still actively gain health whenever he used an SP2.

With him at sig 200 now, I brought him into Raids. I was doing a video showcasing how he worked in their for someone, but my recording software failed to capture my attempt and I was left all out of revievs. Well, except for those tiny AQ ones. You know, the ones that only heal you for maybe 3% of your health. So I chugged one of those, activated the recording software, and captured what happened next.

Spoilers: this is why I sig'd up Adam!


  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,269 ★★★★★

    👆 This is why every champ needs high Sig ,despite the "experts" saying no...

    Just a minute, someone will answer you 👍
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★
    I don't necessarily agree with every champ needing it, but I do think there are quite a lot of very overlooked signature abilities out there. And this is certainly one of them.
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