War season length suggestion

This post is based on a recent discussion in our alliance about war season length.
War season 54 which has just ended had a 3-week season followed by a 3-week offseason. This felt way better than the usual 4-week season and 2-week offseason. This schedule has been praised by everyone in our alliance and many other alliances we know.
War seasons are intense competition when everyone needs to be at their best. They are quite stressful and interesting at the same time. They require a lot of resources and constant presence. It’s time-consuming and fun but it can also be a lot to the point where some alliance members and sometimes entire alliances (even in master) take seasons off.
When an alliance takes a break from war their members don’t spend units / resources on war, get fewer offers because they are not competing. They can also lose interest in the game overall and quit because competitive wars are what keeps them interested.
A slightly shorter season and a longer offseason would be ideal to keep alliances and their members engaged and active in war instead of taking breaks or even quitting entirely.
The schedule of a 3-week season followed by a 3-week offseason seems perfect for competitive war alliances:
there is enough time to test counters,
enough time to do rankups,
enough time to recover resources (loyalty, units) during offseason,
3-week war season isn’t long enough for members to burn out and they stay motivated to compete the following season instead of taking a break from war.
Please consider using the 3-week season / offseason schedule (same as season 54) in future war seasons moving forward, after the current decay meta ends (from season 56 onwards).
It’s entirely possible that other alliances feel differently. It would be wise to poll alliances on what they believe to be the perfect length for a war season and offseason to keep this best alliance mode popular and relevant.
War season 54 which has just ended had a 3-week season followed by a 3-week offseason. This felt way better than the usual 4-week season and 2-week offseason. This schedule has been praised by everyone in our alliance and many other alliances we know.
War seasons are intense competition when everyone needs to be at their best. They are quite stressful and interesting at the same time. They require a lot of resources and constant presence. It’s time-consuming and fun but it can also be a lot to the point where some alliance members and sometimes entire alliances (even in master) take seasons off.
When an alliance takes a break from war their members don’t spend units / resources on war, get fewer offers because they are not competing. They can also lose interest in the game overall and quit because competitive wars are what keeps them interested.
A slightly shorter season and a longer offseason would be ideal to keep alliances and their members engaged and active in war instead of taking breaks or even quitting entirely.
The schedule of a 3-week season followed by a 3-week offseason seems perfect for competitive war alliances:
there is enough time to test counters,
enough time to do rankups,
enough time to recover resources (loyalty, units) during offseason,
3-week war season isn’t long enough for members to burn out and they stay motivated to compete the following season instead of taking a break from war.
Please consider using the 3-week season / offseason schedule (same as season 54) in future war seasons moving forward, after the current decay meta ends (from season 56 onwards).
It’s entirely possible that other alliances feel differently. It would be wise to poll alliances on what they believe to be the perfect length for a war season and offseason to keep this best alliance mode popular and relevant.