Day 1 of asking for 7 star Apocalypse and Nimrod

It’s 2025, a new year, which means new 7 stars are probably coming (I hope). Now I have seen other threads like this (most notably from fellow summoners @Ghostboytjie and @Terminatrix asking for a certain 7 star Champion that exists as a 6* to be added to the game. That inspired me to create this thread doing the same.

But why these two? Well, they are both among my top 5 favourite champions in the whole game. I also feel like both have been falling out of relevancy because of various reasons. I believe as 7 stars, these two powerful champions would be back in business as dual threats. Plus if Apoc does get added, I’d like for Kabam to change his current signature ability (as it’s useless in many ways) to one that allows Apocalypse to start with up to 3-4 Genetic Code in modes like BGs and Seasons of Suffering where he cannot ramp up his charges

But why these two? Well, they are both among my top 5 favourite champions in the whole game. I also feel like both have been falling out of relevancy because of various reasons. I believe as 7 stars, these two powerful champions would be back in business as dual threats. Plus if Apoc does get added, I’d like for Kabam to change his current signature ability (as it’s useless in many ways) to one that allows Apocalypse to start with up to 3-4 Genetic Code in modes like BGs and Seasons of Suffering where he cannot ramp up his charges
@EdisonLaw , if so something inexplicable reason their Deepdive isn't out this month (because maybe KarateMike still recovering from the Christmas and New Year parties). Let me know if you extra support to keep this thread up until next month when their Deepdive will be out for sure.
As for my most wanted as a 7*, you will be shock to is Blue Cyclops. I just prayed that Kabam do good job on him (good like Sharthar not Gladiator in round one release 🤣).
I like Blue Cyclop, but I'm not as dedicated as some of our other fellow Summoners, I'm not ranking him up if he is Mydclops 🤣
I may agree with Hercules not being as 7 yet.
My 6 stars R5 destroys the same way as one 7 stars R2😎
Lets see what Gentle’s design is too. The amount of mutants that don’t play nice with shock and energy damage should be opening up a space where Nimmy shouldn’t be considered broken any longer. Especially not compared to the current tech designs either. Lots of strong mutant killers now, we should be getting to a place where it’s safe to celebrate his design.
Apocalypse seems more likely. The most OP part of his kit is easily accessible with a synergy with Sinister and 20% revives. It’d be great to have a relevant star level running around the contest again.
She deserves too
I'll support it every day.
Two stupid posts about day 1 of asking.
Make more and keem making them till they decide to close every single one of them.