Why remove items from glory/battlegrounds stores

Hello, I am Valient and a big reason I love to play this game is to max out/level up characters, I have been playing for 10 years now. I know I am a niche player, and there are going to be people who say bigger fish to fry, so take your negativity elsewhere. I would love to know why 5-star sig stones and accessibility to 4-star stones are almost nonexistent when you reach a certain level. Sure I don't need them for the meta, but they do bring me enjoyment to look at my roster I have accumulated over the years. even getting 5-star and lower shards is becoming rarer if I wanted to sig them up that way. I used to get max stones every battleground store reset, and about 2 thirds through maxing out all my 5's. Can we add these back in for people who enjoy it? Am I alone in this?