Who’s glad that the Summoners Banq….” Milking Event” is over

Superdez11Superdez11 Member Posts: 24

I’m so glad that this event is finally over and I like to thank kabam for showing me that I really do have an addiction and for treating me like a very bad drug dealer would… You exploited every part my experience with this event… These guys had me so pumped up, making me think that this was going to be the best banquet ever and for me to enjoy myself… Not one $200 crystal deal but two $200 crystal deal let’s throw in over $1000 worth of unit deals because if you have the means you should buy these crystals…. And don’t get me started with these SBC’s pieces of ****… I don’t see how Kabam can hold their head high after this event ….and the banquet realm event…. It was more like I was the cow and Kabam Was the farmer milking me every chance he could try to get my precious unit 💍 🤣😜… Hence.. “I’m giving her all she’s got”… but like I said, I’m done venting. I’m glad this is finally over. I know now that I put in more than what I got back and at the end of the day. Kabam we’ll never make it right


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