Has anyone hit the new progression title - Neva-gon?

The end of gifting seems like a perfect time to ask this question
It’s theoretically possible to go straight from Thronebreaker to Valiant. The proliferation of 7-stars would seem to increase the chances of that happening.
Has there been a documented case of someone going from Thronebreaker straight to Valiant?
It’s theoretically possible to go straight from Thronebreaker to Valiant. The proliferation of 7-stars would seem to increase the chances of that happening.
Has there been a documented case of someone going from Thronebreaker straight to Valiant?
There was a long discussion a while back about that possibility, don’t think anyone had done it back then yet.
I hit Thronebreaker on my alt after 7 days and I’m on that progression grind so I’ll skip r4ing any more 6 stars because I have 2 of those and I’ll head straight for the R3s.
For low level progression title you can get it without doing content. You can just rank champs
But for Paragon and Valiant, you need both.
No- doesn’t work unfortunately. You can’t progress to Valiant, if you haven’t first progressed to Paragon. It works similarly at all progression levels. I only know this because I’ve seen it firsthand on a couple of accounts- one trying to get conqueror before proven. Even though I had the necessary number of ranked up champs for conqueror, as proven wasn’t claimed, I couldn’t skip to claim conqueror.
In a similar vein, I just took another alt to valiant post banquet but I had to take 3 6* to rank 4 to achieve paragon before I could claim valiant.
You can’t progress certainly meet the criteria for the progression level but if you haven’t claimed the previous one, you won’t get it.
They may mispelled
A throne breaker from this event would have been able to get the t4 catalysts from the realm/solo/alliance events to get the r3's if they saved up enough units. So if they already had 2 r3's, finished the necessary quests (8.3 I think?) then finally ranked up their last 6* to r4, they would get paragon and at the same time valiant. So while they technically don't skip paragon, they still never spent any time as a paragon
As for other remark about Contender, Proven, Conqueror, etc. Those (I don't think) have double-requirements (champs + quests), so in those cases would be impossible. But that doesn’t mean the TB to Valiant would thus also be impossible because those others are.
I am exploring act 5 with mine and so far so good…
Anything after act 5 is highly node dependent, auto fight will struggle to bypass protections, that life cycle node amongst others.
Get on it, MCOC sickos!