Prowler vs Shocker

fitenitefitenite Member Posts: 68
I have a mass of sigs going in overflow and only 1 tech AG. I believe shocker needs the awakening more, but does fine around 100 sigs, or I can take this opportunity to max sig prowler and clear my overflow.

Prowler vs Shocker 35 votes

Awaken Prowler and Sig 200
TurguzBrokenEddieVanWMigginslyGodofLoaTJ107Valkyrie1994Ben_15455Adri5846JesusPalaciosChiefGoatDarthMysticKazukiEmilia90Nacho98westendbearshield311Brill_14CAE7CrimsonSurfer 20 votes
Awaken Shocker and sig 100
buffajrBigTuna_2054captaincushHerbal_TaxmanNikmosescaptain_rogersTheUglyone123The_Doctor_24_1StacheBoiNONYABIZZWasy1EquintsRiryokuSawyer22MrMayhem11 15 votes


  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,318 ★★★★
    Awaken Shocker and sig 100
    Two great champs, so you can’t really go wrong. But Shocker gets my vote because of his flexibility and the many different ways you can play him. Plus, opponents can’t nullify your personal charges and they can’t shut down your approach with shrug, cleanse, immunities, whatever.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,288 ★★★★
    Awaken Prowler and Sig 200
    Prowler needs the sig more.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,705 ★★★★★
    Awaken Prowler and Sig 200
    Can’t go wrong here imo. Prowler at sig 200 is nuts though regardless of what some people say (I’m also biased towards him lol)
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