Gentle really shouldn't be in the "Prodigal Sons" synergy with BP (CW)?

Many of us thought that Gentle was a member of this synergy. Given all the errors after the update, I wonder if he was intentionally not added to this synergy or if it is a mistake and he should to be in it?
In August there was a similar case with BRB, when after the release of the update he was not added to Vox's synergy, so I don't understand, he really shouldn't be in this mystery synergy BP (Civil War) and is another champion implied there or is this another mistake?
Many have theorized that Legion (David Haller, the son of Professor Xavier) would be the one to fit the 'prodigal son' synergy.
Well it took them a month to fix it (still no champion icon though lol)
So maybe check when this one go live if it still hasn’t changed something else is wrong