Shuri critically failing a parry vs Domino. How?

MxylplkMxylplk Member Posts: 34
Was in arena and parried Domino’s l1 and got a critical failure and damage. Shuri is immune to Ability Accuracy alterations. Only thing I can think of that can be failed for shuri would be kinetic matrix charges and armor up passives - which, as mentioned cannot fail cuz of shuri’s abilities. Seems like a bug to me.


  • MxylplkMxylplk Member Posts: 34

  • MxylplkMxylplk Member Posts: 34
    In a duel
  • EquintsEquints Member Posts: 191
    This is most likely due to how dominos ability accuracy reduction isnt based off a debuff but instead determined at the start of the match and may be activated faster than shuris inability to have her ability accuracy activated.
  • MxylplkMxylplk Member Posts: 34
    Must be the perfect block that is failing. Thanks for clearing that up!
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,393 ★★★★
    Yeah, just don't block her specials and you'll be good
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