Explain like I'm 5: battlegrounds meta

Can someone please explain this meta? What am I suppose to be doing? What kind of champions do I draft for attack? For defense? I read the nodes like 10 times and my eyes glaze over. I have no idea how it works.
#Sugarpill champions have a 20% chance to go unstoppable whenever a buff expires or is nullified. Sugarpill attackers like Longshot who have a 60% chance to nullify any buff instantly and kindred who reduces the buff duration 60% (5sec->2sec) are the best defenders as they will be constantly unstoppable
You MUST use a decay attacker on sugarpill defenders otherwise they will be unkillable.
#Decay & #Sugarpill are searchable under the AW section of the tag search in your roster.
Decay champs are brush and Sugar champs are sweet, brush them away.