Stop making new content!!!

I have been playing off and on since the start of the game. I spent thousands on this game and have done alot of great content through it. But it's depressing to see that bugs that have been around since 2019 have continued. The game makes millions of dollars a year. Why continue making new content every month instead of taking a month to fix the issues on hand. One month is all a real dev team would need to fix these issues. But nope, let's continue to have bad controls, delays on the SP button, bugs with characters and visuals that make you lose whole matches. But hey, here's some mediocre rewards and 2 new characters every month 😆.
What bug has been around since 2019?
Champ dashing while holding block?
Or you're accidentally slightly moving your finger while doing so because given you say this has been happening since what was it again, 2019? Obviously it's a YOU issue, given you've obviously had more than one device since 2019, and it keeps happening to YOU.
I had same exprience when i used iphone 15 when it come out, but later it fixed by updating the iphone and i no longer had the problem, i would not call that bug because it depend on phone and not kabam fault alone
The game started in 2014... So which is it? It's been happening since 2014 or 2019?
I know from the outside it might appear like its a big group effort (and it very much is in one sense), but different folks have different areas of expertise and just stopping making new content doesn't then free up x-number of working hours to tackle other problems. Rather you'd just have a bunch of bored designers hanging out and waiting around in the kitchen eating snacks and drinking coffee...or even worse firing up a karaoke machine xD
It's almost as if people can't imagine bugs happening to others if it doesn't happen to them also.
(How'd I do with the whole math thing @DNA3000, that check out?
So do tell which ones have spoken about this issue, because I'm curious as to when they did if they did.
I could just as easily not remember some of them doing so, of course.
I've never been known for my memory being my greatest asset. 🥲
Seems like QA/QC is not a "need" right now, and future development is. There's bugs in everything, including the food and beverages you ingest. It's just a matter of what amount (parts per million in food or wonky controls in a game) is acceptable to the company and the consumer. If you know the company's priorities, it should better inform you, the consumer, whether or not you care to continue with the product.
2. Get a case for your phone, thick enough that your palms dont touch the sides of the screen
The only time I was dashing uncontrolably was when I wasnt using a phone case. Thats why I loved playing on iPhone 7 and 8. A big reason why BrianGrant still plays on iPhone8
This does help explain why Crashed wants a craps machine installed.
Lay the phone flat and play with just your index fingers, I bet you get no dash issues then.