Which of my 7* cosmic champs would you take to rank 3

Hi! I just beat the Grandmaster. I'm making a go to paragon now. I know that after to be vaillant I need to have 2 7* rank 3 champs. I already have Onslaught to rank 3 and for the 2nd one I only have the resources to upgrade a cosmic. Who would you upgrade?

Which of my 7* cosmic champs would you take to rank 3 83 votes
1. Medusa is probably the easiest to use and so makes the most sense but i dont think she is necessarily the best unless you are going for pure damage.
2. Gamora is great but would prefer Medusa on the damage front and dual use as a defender.
3. Adam Warlock you either like or hate. If you like him and know how to bring the best out of him then i would go for him over Medusa. I hate him so he remains at r1 across levels for me.
4. Serpent and Gorr are always classified as defenders but in utility they are much better than the others and are such safe options to use on attack.
I would personally go Serpent because his survivability as an attacker is superb and i can live with the lower damage.
2. Serpent if duped best option
3. Gorr
4. Medusa
5. Gamora
To the threads question, I would rank Medusa as well.