DTHTK - 170M, 25.7k Prestige, AW P6-4, Map 6, Full Raids 100%, Needs 1-2

- Looking for 1 maybe 2.
- AW Plat 6-4, the easy way. Easy wars. Item use up to your discretion.
- Raids 3bg 100%
- AQ - Chill AQs
- BG 1-10%
- Line app needed for comms
Very chilled and relaxed alliance.
LMK if interested. Contact me in game or by Line
Rays-IW in game

- AW Plat 6-4, the easy way. Easy wars. Item use up to your discretion.
- Raids 3bg 100%
- AQ - Chill AQs
- BG 1-10%
- Line app needed for comms
Very chilled and relaxed alliance.
LMK if interested. Contact me in game or by Line
Rays-IW in game
