NTW signature ability.

Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125
I’m saving up sig stones, and I was gonna put 200 on her because she’s my only 6* rank 5 that’s not awakened and 200 sig.
Well, besides Apoc, but his sig is a joke….
Anyway, this doesn’t look like it would benefit her too much…. Anyway thoughts ?


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    It helps her in bgs especially against bullseye, and fastens her ramp.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,783 ★★★★★
    Its very helpful as every evade sheincinerates then as a defender she starts at 1 bar meaning u cant attack right away until shes thrown it
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I don't have her awakened myself but I remember seeing DLL's video on her when I first pulled her, and he was saying that her sig ability was very important since it really helps her maintain her incinerates. I think the most important part of her sig is the line about striker hits and counter-attacks pausing her incinerates and incinerate vulnerabilities as if they were light attacks. Since both of those things take some times, having those things paused during them seems like a good thing. Especially when you're fighting someone like Bullseye, who you could potentially end up having to counter-attack over and over and over again during the fight.

    I have a feeling that just getting her awakened will be the big thing since that pause isn't something that scales in any way and is simply unlocked at sig 1. I'm not sure how important it is to actually sig her up. She's not supposed to be a meta defender (even if I find her really annoying to fight) so the last part of her sig isn't that important, and while I think it's nice to get more incinerates every time you counter-attack someone, I reckon that it's more of a "nice to have" thing than it is absolutely necessary to get three additional incinerates every time. Although I guess it could stack up nicely in those fights where you counter-attack a lot.

    But as I said, I don't have her awakened myself so I can't really speak from any personal experience.
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