I’ve seen that many people in the MCOC community here on forums find it funny that Lagacy’s channel got hacked. It’s embarrassingly immature considering the situation. His YouTube channel is his JOB. It’s his livelihood. There’s not a thing funny about some low-life hacking & taking over someone’s hard earned & successful youtube channel. Whether he’s your favourite MCOC content creator or not… he has only ever put out authentic MCOC content made with pure passion for the game, to entertain. He’s one of few youtubers that call out the BS when there’s BS to be called out.Y’all making fun of this, either have no responsibilities in your own life or somehow have no idea how worrying and problematic this situation would be for someone with responsibilities and a career they care a sh*t-ton about. Everyone finding this situation funny is an embarrassment to the MCOC community. Simple as that.
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this channel is how lags makes a income, without it he literally can’t function, which is why this is a very stressful time for him. He’s not like other YouTubers where he has another job outside of cc, he has literally stated how he needs to upload everyday, and he doesn’t like spending but he has too because it’s his JOB, it’s what he does to make a living, how he eats and pays rent, he doesn’t deserve what happened to him, he’s been good to the community. If you dislike him that’s on you, don’t shame a man’s work. (yes it is work, you try being a YouTuber)
I wish him the best.
bro do yourself a favour and look up the definition of ‘immature’. Some of y’all have to be trolling with these replies 💀 You didn’t do what you think you did with that comment.
P.S Its natural selection at this point
New low.
Get some help, not kidding.