6* Silk still worth it?

I'm a new valiant right now.
Never had luck getting silk (only had a 4* one till now)
I enjoy her playstyle and abilities a lot, and even the 4* one, was quite useful for the previous saga incursions (lasted to abt zone 13 with the 4 star one)
Just pulled the 6* one, i have an AG and sm sigs too.
Is it worth it to rank her up? Cause idk when, if ever, i'll get a 7 star.
Also a extra question: Should i focus on act 8 exploration now? (already explored 8.3 and 8.4), or on something like necro or crucible?
Never had luck getting silk (only had a 4* one till now)
I enjoy her playstyle and abilities a lot, and even the 4* one, was quite useful for the previous saga incursions (lasted to abt zone 13 with the 4 star one)
Just pulled the 6* one, i have an AG and sm sigs too.
Is it worth it to rank her up? Cause idk when, if ever, i'll get a 7 star.
Also a extra question: Should i focus on act 8 exploration now? (already explored 8.3 and 8.4), or on something like necro or crucible?
If you have the mats for her, she's 100% worth a rank up.
I always ban Silk
Gonna ascend after para gauntlet
I just took Shuri to R4 cause I still don't have her as a 7*.