Which 6* tech to rank?!

England73738England73738 Member Posts: 328 ★★
For context, I am at 7.2.5 in story, and my only decent techs are 7* rank 1 war machine who I never use, and 6* rank 3 Shuri. Don’t have enough resources for both and really can’t decide which one to choose! Any advice and reasoning behind it would be great. Both are duped if that makes any difference.

Which 6* tech to rank?! 49 votes

Omega Sentinel
bhuv9191RaganatorPerfectExamplecaptaincushBarath121MaxtheSilentGodofLoacaptain_rogersEwell65SSS69FurrymoosenStupid91Valkyrie1994Greed_ExodusJackTheSnackDahMastahLBN1Ansh_ASuper_Cretu90destroy456Hulk808 22 votes
Stark Spidey
buffajrChovnerFeeney234ThatGuyYouSaw235Rayven5220blurblotDaywalkerXAyden_noah1peixemacacoBen_15455ChobblyNONYABIZZDuffman98Kruger8214Master_RicherHonorable_BluJayOnyxxNacho98OldManHopwestendbear 27 votes


  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Omega Sentinel
    She’s overall more versatile, also give war machine a chance he isn’t as bad as people clamor on about
  • OMEGA0OMEGA0 Member Posts: 1
    Omega has more utilities.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,555 ★★★★★
    Stark Spidey
    He's a nuke.
    But OS does have ALOT more utility.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 328 ★★
    Wow, tight vote 😂
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    Stark Spidey
    Both are great champs, but Sparky gets my vote. Unbelievable damage once you get those Poise charges to 10, and his Evade comes in handy too. Plus, you'll be getting a free 6* Sparky in a few days from the Old School Favorites calendar (if you're Thronebreaker or higher.) So if you don't have him duped yet, that will be sorted. Or at worst, you'll be adding a few sigs to his Hero's Mantra.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 328 ★★

    She’s overall more versatile, also give war machine a chance he isn’t as bad as people clamor on about

    I've just taken War Machine into Winter Soldier RoL and think i've just got my fastest win against him! When the rotation is nailed down and you build the armor breaks and then the furies off SP3 his damage actually gets pretty crazy
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,423 ★★★★★
    Stark Spidey
    Honestly mate if you don't plan to those Carina Challenges for the 7*, gun for the 6* because I got a gut feeling that OS will show up in the 7* pool by June
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 667 ★★★
    Omega Sentinel
    I am a bigger fan of stark spidey but in your case Omega Sentinel gets my vote.

    If you dont have good techs then you need a mutant counter and Omega Sentinel definitelt fits that bill. Stark Spidey is good in other content but i would rather do Shuri then Starkey in most cases where i have to take a tech champion.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,485 ★★★★★
    Omega Sentinel
    Omega sentinel is full of utility and you need her a lot for story content. Sparky is kind of bgs champ, not the best for story questing
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