Out of date BG rewards

The out of date BG rewards have made the mode pretty worthless. It’s a shame because it was fun competing. The amount of time and effort it takes to get high ranks has just made it pointless though with the state of the current rewards. You just made 6* awakening gems, yet they are still being rewarded. 6* sig stones pile up and are just dumped into whatever isn’t sig 200. 6* shards still being treated as a proper reward while I have close to 50 r3 7* are just pointless.
Update the rewards if you want people actually buying elders to play the mode.
Update the rewards if you want people actually buying elders to play the mode.
the relic stuff is pretty cool to have, and I find myself needing it more often then I would care to admit, but again it’s pretty pricey.
The 7* shards are priced way to high for the amount, doing dse gives a near equivalent amount for free, the amount should be increased to 1750, or the price should be brought down to 2500, either or works. 7* have been in the game for a good while, these prices are adjusted as if they just released.
T4a feels fine actually, it’s well adjusted and set. I think I could see myself justifying buying some if I needed.
other catalyst stuff could be generally overpriced as well, t6b and t3a at 1500 is a good price. Having t5c at 1250 is great, since t6b and t3a and t5c are generally made to go together ( for the 6*s) they should be priced similarly, having the t6b and t3a at 2k is unjustified in my eyes ( I need to stop using justify ) especially after the offer we just got.
The t6c selectors are good priced, and I buy them as often as I can, the crystal is good where it’s at as well.
nobody buys the t5b, but it’s cool having it there just in case you want to rank up a random 6* for carina or something else, no need to remove or change. As well as the sig stones, those are fine too for the same reason.
this feels realistic, overall it’s just adjusting prices,
Thanks for asking for input though @KabamPinwheel
Anyways, mini spiel just explaining why I always love asking for input in cases like this
Solo rewards - Most outdated. The milestones should switch to 7* shards. The rank rewards need to remove all 6* items like the awakening gems and sigs and shards.
Solo Ranked rewards for All the tiers from Uru to C1. The main rewards for this used to be the relic items, which the game team has already deemed outdated. Need to bump 7* rewards and rank items for all these tiers. Maybe even add a full titan to c5-6 tiers and then go down 15k titan shards for mysterium and so forth all the way down. The rank rewards are really just overall not worth it for the amount of effort and time it takes to play all those matches to rank highly.
Alliance rewards - these are all pretty outdated as well. Both milestones and rank need to improve. Add 7* sig stones. Bump the t4 alpha amount.
And based on the 0 ammount of embers as rewards it seems obvious you guys don't plan anything new...
2. Change all rewards to just elder marks and trophy tokens
3. Update the battlegrounds store to sell items correlated to progression level with lower progression level items not removed from battlegrounds store, players get trophy tokens as reward from playing battlegrounds and they can choose whatever they want to buy from the battlegrounds store
Obviously ranked rewards both for GC and Solo and Alliance events all need a major upgrade. Relic mats also feel a little overpriced imo. These materials are no players major focus or at least majority players focus. I know the mode seems to lend itself as the relic mode but if a player is forced to choose between relic stuff and normal champion materials most are leaning towards champion materials.
So to sum up:
-Replace solo milestones or add trophy tokens to them and increase the shard amounts to.
-Another store update to include Titan shards and another price drop.
-Increase the rewards for VT mainly more trophy tokens.
-Overhaul the Rank rewards for GC, Solo and Alliance ranks. R3 7* mats shouldn’t be considered a big ask 1 year into their life cycle.
I don’t expect my expectations or anyone else’s to be met in full or near what I would hope especially since I didn’t declare any specific values for things besides a Titan Shard buy option in the shop. But I hope the team can bring something to the table so to speak.
I don’t want, or need a single 6* anymore. Give us the resources to make actual progress with 7*’s even if it is a small amount. 7* AG shards, titan frags etc.
Actually, I can imagine.