Iso issue

AshuvinuAshuvinu Member Posts: 73
Guys there is always lack of iso with most of us, I don't understand why when duplicating 4*, 5*, 6* or 7* gives only 24 iso of respective class it should be increased as the rarety of the champion duplicate, in this scenario the 4* And 5* shards are also removed from bg store. Then how can we make upgrades in champions.
This should be addressed


  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,156 ★★★★

  • EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Member Posts: 383 ★★
    Agree that there should be more ISO from duping 5, 6 and 7 stars. Makes no sense that there is no meaningful increase in ISO between duping a 4 star champ and a 7 star champ. I too have plenty of ISO in stash, but it's always of the class that is not needed.
  • AshuvinuAshuvinu Member Posts: 73
    Who the f**k disagree every time even something said in benefit of community 😂😂😂😂😂
    I never understand people disagree to just disagree
    And what is wrong in communicating the matter that by duplicate even a 4* and 7* gives same no of iso but in case of upgrade 6* and 7* requires much more iso and gold
    It's uneven for all players
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    Do you pick up the ISO and gold offer from the Trader's Outpost? I think it's a great value even if those two things aren't the most exciting things to pick up. But I usually find myself with at least some spare mysterium that I can spend on them, even if I can't pick up all of it.

    I'm all of out ISO at the moment, but I don't usually have that problem. It's just a lot of post-Banquet rank-ups that have completely drained me of it. What I will say is that I love that Kabam got rid of the Level up event. As much fun as it was, it forced you to constantly rank up champions even when you didn't need to. Now that I can decide more who and when and why I rank up champs, I'm saving so much ISO and gold.

    Hopefully we see an influx of ISO in the future. I don't know how your situation looks like but I suspect that mine will eventually return to a sort of equilibrium where I don't have much of an ISO problem. I just have to sit tight and let my reserves replenish.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,616 ★★★★★

    Agree that there should be more ISO from duping 5, 6 and 7 stars. Makes no sense that there is no meaningful increase in ISO between duping a 4 star champ and a 7 star champ. I too have plenty of ISO in stash, but it's always of the class that is not needed.

    Class ISO isn't restricted to that specific class. Though it doesn't have the same "fast" level up "advantage", you can still use it on any champ.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,616 ★★★★★
    The amount of T5 ISO definitely should increase to at least 48 from duping 6*'s. T6 ISO from duping 7*'s is more potent. 1 x T6 Class ISO which is 17,500, is equivalent to 3 x T5 Class ISO making it 3 times stronger, so that could be the reason for the T6 quantity remaining at 24.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,159 ★★★★
    Ashuvinu said:

    Who the f**k disagree every time even something said in benefit of community 😂😂😂😂😂
    I never understand people disagree to just disagree
    And what is wrong in communicating the matter that by duplicate even a 4* and 7* gives same no of iso but in case of upgrade 6* and 7* requires much more iso and gold
    It's uneven for all players

    Ashuvinu said:

    Who the f**k disagree every time even something said in benefit of community 😂😂😂😂😂
    I never understand people disagree to just disagree
    And what is wrong in communicating the matter that by duplicate even a 4* and 7* gives same no of iso but in case of upgrade 6* and 7* requires much more iso and gold
    It's uneven for all players

    Maybe someone disagreed with you because they don't think that ISO shortage is a thing?

    Personally, I have thousand's of ISO bricks in overflow and I end up selling more than I use so that it doesn't expire, however, I do agree that duping a 4*, 5* or 6* should not give the same amount and type of ISO. Also just to point out, duping a 7* doesn't give you the same ISO as duping a 4*, 5* or 6*.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    Ashuvinu said:

    Guys there is always lack of iso with most of us, I don't understand why when duplicating 4*, 5*, 6* or 7* gives only 24 iso of respective class it should be increased as the rarety of the champion duplicate, in this scenario the 4* And 5* shards are also removed from bg store. Then how can we make upgrades in champions.
    This should be addressed

    Iso is actually not an issue.
    You being not at that progression is.
    I'm not taking about skill or progression titles, but total number of 4/5/6* champs.

    This is a phase you have to go though, this is a phase every player have to go through.

    When we open a crystal, 99.99% is a dupe, which I'm sure is not true in your case.
    You'll get there. And with time all active players will overcome this.

    And the key is resource management.
    I know this because I have an alt account. It went from being iso gold poor 7 months ago to 50m gold and 2k iso in overflow right now.
    No arenas no incursions outside saga/special ones. Don't even do EQ.
    You have to manage resources and stop upgrading any champ you will not use.

    And to counter your "MOST OF US lacks iso".
    If you are an endgame player with iso issues, either you are not active or you are not good at resource management.
    Ashuvinu said:

    Who the f**k disagree every time even something said in benefit of community 😂😂😂😂😂
    I never understand people disagree to just disagree
    And what is wrong in communicating the matter that by duplicate even a 4* and 7* gives same no of iso but in case of upgrade 6* and 7* requires much more iso and gold
    It's uneven for all players

    Sadly I just read this comment. With attitude like that I shouldn't even reply. Since I already wrote the reply, There you have it. I blame iso issue on your incompetence in resources management.
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