Cosmic AG Conundrum

I got a Cosmic gem, but currently don't know wether to use it on these champs or use it on Maestro (since I only need to finish a Necro run) so I could take the Nexus. I was thinking of Medusa but already have Scream at R3 and duped
Any advice it's appreciated
Cosmic AG Conundrum 71 votes
Sentry’s awakened ability, in my opinion, is a very minor buff. The debuff pause doesn’t do anything, because you’ll always be refreshing with his heavy, so the only thing that slightly helps is the indestructible. It’s obviously a nice safety net, but it’s definitely not needed. I never have thought to myself while using sentry, wow I really wish I had the potential indestructible.
Medusa needs the dupe, so give her the glorious guardians gem. Give maestro the cosmic gem cause he benefits, though it isn’t necessary required. And take the titan nexus cause you never know what good champ you might get or dupe.
Still debating whether to use the cosmic AG on Medusa or the Glorious Guardians one.
Also have a Mystic AG but that's going to Purgatory or Hood, so the issue it's between Medusa or Sentry since all the others can be duped in a basic or titan