any tips on how to get more energy refills??

the sources i get energy from is the gold track, ally summoner advancement and occasional refill in paragon free crystals but that's it which is probably like avg 1 per day free which isn't anything rlly as content these days requires so much energy . so any tips would be appreciated ??
1) If you have $5 dollars, the energy card is I think a good value overall. I believe its 35 energy for $5 which in units is 30 x 35 = 1,050 units of value (remember though, the draw back is you get 5 upfront, then one full refill daily).
2) If you don't have the cash to spend, what I usually do is scroll through the early quests in the story section. Often you'll see a full energy refill in the Chapter 3/4 area and the energy requirements per node are cheap. Once you get it too, you can instantly quit out (I believe, its been a while since I've tried) and you will still keep the energy refill. This of course is only really cost efficient for an extra 40-60% energy a day because it still takes energy to get it but should help you optimize your free energy a day.
Save 4 hours crystals. I had around 35 from 170 crystals
Arena crystal also give energy refill.
Still exists just different acquisition.
And it'll only cost you $5 lol