Small QoL Request - "Sell Expiring"

It would be great if you add a "Sell Expiring" button in the Stash. It's just a small thing, but it gets old clicking one by one through a bunch of expiring items - and you're one accidental tap away from having to start over.
Dr. Zola
Whether they would suggest expiring within 24 hours (probably best), or 48 hours.
Game already has a visual trigger (I think it is 24 hours ?), and so that could be the same that would be included for the “Sell Expiring Soon” button.
The reason why we can't sell high value items is in large part because of this. And it is useless to say "well, too bad, it is their fault" because Kabam doesn't care if someone sells things accidentally, they care if that someone gets mad, opens support tickets, forces their support people to deal with it, and goes on a social media and forum rampage because it wasn't addressed to their satisfaction. It is all of that which has to get weighed against the benefit of some people having a more convenient sell button.
So I'm not holding my breath on that one.
The obvious solution is to only sell things *when* they expire, not just before they expire. But that’s tricky, because it is unclear what that would do to the game client. As my crystal cleanse brothers will attest to, inventory expiration is something that is at least visually tracked in the game client itself. The game client isn’t, say, polling the game servers asking what the current state of the inventory is. It is actually tracking inventory. When you have megatons of stuff in inventory, the game client can actually slow to a crawl keeping track of it all. Mega crystal cleanse players were seeing their games become literally unplayable just because they had a lot of stuff in inventory about to expire.
Auto sell can’t happen in the game client or it wouldn’t work if you were not playing at that exact moment. But autosell in the game servers could create synchronization issues with the game client causing problems when it triggers. Imagine your game client freezing while fighting the Collector because in the background fifty ISO bricks were auto sold and caused a desync problem with the game client forcing a refresh.
I’m not saying this will definitely happen: I’m not directly familiar with the implementation. But having seen other inventory glitches in the past (I completely broke inventory on the CCP test server one day by accidentally buying a gazillion ISO bricks all at once), I can imagine that even if this wouldn’t happen, whomever was going to try to implement autosell would have to assume it would happen until they could prove otherwise, slowing things down out of a sense of caution.