Enchantress not getting offensive ramp buff?

Shammy_83Shammy_83 Member Posts: 3
You literally just buffed/altered Northstar because it took too long to ramp him. You didn't change his damage but sped up playing him so he was more practical. You did the exact same thing to Shuri, same damage and shorter ramp. Now you have the most complicated champ in history that takes an absurd amount to time to ramp and don't think that needed to be shortened at all? Her damage is great after you spend 5 minutes getting it there but she's worthless on offense in every single game mode outside of Everest content. She's so unique and I was really looking forward to an opportunity to play her more, just like my new r2 Northstar, and you find her ramp acceptable? I believe we deserve an explanation on this one.


  • ChiefGoatChiefGoat Member Posts: 221 ★★
    No we don’t
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,383 ★★★★★
    I found this explanation that Kabam gave for not touching her on offense. Hope it helps.

  • Shammy_83Shammy_83 Member Posts: 3

    I found this explanation that Kabam gave for not touching her on offense. Hope it helps.

    If you read that and find that to be the answer to my post then I feel you missed my the point of the question. All they said was they found people using her for quests specifically designed for her and nothing about the champ's overall use in any other game mode. People have been asking since she came out to make her ramp shorter, again, like they just did with Northstar and have shortened ramps on other champs. An example would be that for the first 2 or 3 casts of a spell on offense, the spell casts 2 versions of it, and then just the single cast after that for long form content ramp. That small change would make her more useful day to day AND allow for higher ramping in Everest content.

  • RockSlydeRockSlyde Member Posts: 73

    Nobody is using her in Pain or Necro. Come on Kabam.

    Insane take. she was one of the best options for the gods path, and I've absolutely loved my r3 in pain content
  • RockSlydeRockSlyde Member Posts: 73
    Her ramp is so much faster when she's duped btw. Focus on keeping 100% charm uptime and you get so much more power that you start needing to self-lock with your heavies. Her ramp is satisfying and not a problem at all. She ramps almost as fast as Wong and Kate, who are notoriously great in long form. Her damage ceiling isn't quite as high as them, but it's close
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,637 ★★★★★
    I do find it strange that Northstar gets buffed yet Enchantress doesn't, both are made for long form content
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 998 ★★★★
    I have a r3 sig 100 and I still think the game will be much better if she didn’t exist. I ranked her up without hesitation for defence in BG. Never used her, not once on attack in BG. I imagine the designers spent a lot of time coming with her kit, yet, fewer players will use her on attack. That’s a waste imo, all that time for a few, probably negligible to enjoy her.
  • Alone13Alone13 Member Posts: 154

    I found this explanation that Kabam gave for not touching her on offense. Hope it helps.

    Who the f even using her on attack! She should carry over like 3 of each spells to next fight to be viable on attack like herc or other ramp up champs.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★★
    I think kabam data is blinded by the fact people R3 her for defense, people happened to have her ready when Necro challenges came out and decided to use her since she was already R3. I doubt people in the future will be like I'm going to r3 her for offense and Necro.
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    I wouldn’t even mind the ramp

    if we didn’t lose it by just getting hit by a special at 9 spells and the damage was better
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★
    Unfortunately she falls into the Stryfe-zone for me - far too tedious feeling ramping up, and far too penalizing a feeling of losing the ramp. Not just the part about throwing 9 sp1s but needing to do 3 extra swipes everytime. Its already exhausting playing long form fight, and she specifically adds additional work needed.

    I’ve now seen posts saying they used Enchantress in Necropolis, but I’m still wondering about how big a sample size that is, and how that differs from Northstar.

    Northstar’s buff likely uses a dataset of players primarily prior to the release of the Mutant Carina Challenges so there was no incentive for the non-content creator type players to use him. Enchantress’s buff data set likely included a larger amount of players (not just the dedicated content creator type players) who were incentivized to use her in Necropolis for Cul’s challenge. It just seems inconsistent how the slow ramp complaint applies to one champion but not to a similar champion.

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