I Hate the Showcase

Dust and Bullseye are the devil. Needing secutor champs is stupid. I just want to beat the thing without wasting revives and it's impossible. Did you even test this event before releasing it to us or are we your play testers?
Still, got it out of the way, now...
Restarted many times to solo every fight with the exception of bullseye.
I took those fights every war, I know.
Would definitely like to see people fight midstroyer on mighty charge ebb and flow intercept without nefaria. It was fun.
I took that enchantress with red guardian. He was not secutor, But I made it work somehow.
On main, I used sunspot without power back. I was bound to die. And only 40% revive no healing. I was saving potions for deathless run.
Enchantress on heavy hitter sucks, but if she's not secutor then there are bunch of counter like RG and spidy og
Inflict a Heal Block Debuff, preventing the
Opponent from Healing for 6 seconds, paused
during Deathstrike's Special Attacks. Mutants
cannot gain Unstoppable or Unblockable
effects while Heal Blocked"
Dust is probably a good option. She's all physical damage and most of her hits are projectile. She also has grit during Sandstorm, so it'll keep Attuma's unstoppable at bay if he gets there. It might just have to be a fight that you have to revive through.
But anyway, I'd like to see general players take these two fights lol. You guys are definitely way too strong.