Spend a one time fee to remove the mastery loadouts switch cost

I like the idea of mastery loadouts I just REALLY don't like having to pay 35 units each time I want to switch between them. 70 units if I wanna to a Mastery Loadout and then back to my main Mastery Loadout. The cost to switch typically just makes me not want to use this game feature unless I only have to do it once or twice every few months like for setting up my mastery loadout for AW defense.

I would prefer it if I could just spend a decent chunk units to get rid of the cost to switch.
There are two ways that I thought of that this would work.

1. Pay 5k/6k to just outright remove the 35 units switch cost for all 3 loadouts.
6k units = 171 switches

2. Spend units to upgrade each individual mastery loadout. Upgraded mastery loadouts don't cost any units to make active.
If I upgraded mastery loadout 2 then when I switch from ML1 to ML2 then I wouldnt pay anything when I activate ML2 but I would still pay 35 units to switch back to ML1
Upgrading ML1 would cost 1k units = 28 switches
Upgrading ML2 would cost 2k units = 57 switches
Upgrading ML3 would cost 3k units = 85 switches

Before any one complains about how this would break the game or undermines the negative effects of masteries.

1. Players with tons of units either because they spend a lot money on the game or have been playing for a long time can already abuse the current Mastery Loadout system.
As it is, it's basically just pay to win.

2. It could be made so that when you start a quest or incursions or AW attack phase then you're stuck with whatever mastery Loadout was active when you started it.
Theres already a button in the middle bottom of the screen when starting a quest to select which mastery loadout to use.


  • Guest7139Guest7139 Member Posts: 21
    edited January 29

    Battlegrounds already has something similar to this but with Battle decks instead of mastery loadouts
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