Who should I use my 7* 2-3 gem on?

Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,955 ★★★★★
I made a poll the other day that was related to this, and now I'm more conflicted than I was before. I've decided to narrow down the choices. I don't have the t6cc to rank up a cosmic or skill champion, so I've decided I'm going to use my gem on someone from those two classes. I like all of these options. The first picture is of my rank 3 champions, and the second is of my cosmic and skill rank 2s.

Who should I use my 7* 2-3 gem on? 42 votes

Scream (sig 40)
captaincushDannyB01GhostboytjiePikoluAyden_noah1BENNYJTheInfintyJCC5280Sparty6ThePredator1001ManbatnEquintsPotatoslice500AsyalolCookieJarMonstaSarah245Nacho98shield311Hulk808ViperOfChampion 22 votes
Vox (sig 20)
SIlverProfessorLuciusVorenus 2 votes
Killmonger (sig 20)
Serpent (unawakened)
Alex13369AleorWu_Bangerz23captain_rogersTheSaithMmaatthheewwChiefGoatSir_GlobalotSuleishDenic_2580RottenSwampsDarthbane3141WEAPON_Hryandipranata 14 votes
BPCW (unawakened)
Spity68 1 vote
Bullseye (unawakened)
t123459Ben_15455 2 votes


  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 1,007 ★★★★
    Serpent (unawakened)
    Serpent needs dupe for defense, but I love him on attack even unduped.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,633 ★★★★
    I'd say Scream. I have Bullseye and Vox at R3 because they were so great at R2 and honestly, they're still great at R3 obviously but I don't notice much of a difference.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Serpent (unawakened)
    Bullseye or serpent if you don't have them as 6*r6 are both solid options. Km is fine, but he's only a defender and imo a worse defender than BE. Vox is an option if you like him, he's not the best, but kinda fun. Don't know anything about scream.
  • Hulk808Hulk808 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Scream (sig 40)
    Or Serpent
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