Valentine's Day Calendar? Who would you like?

Do you guys think we'll be getting the 14 day calendar again? Last year it was definitely a win and with the new roster I really hope we get to open at least one crystal without buying it.
Personally I'd love to pull She Hulk or Ice Man
Even if Gwenpool signature ability is important for her, no use for me except arenas.
I would not use Iceman a lot.
I dislike Longshot and Superior.
7* Ultron is a trophy for who don’t play AQ raid.
According to a couple of YouTubers, 7* She-Hulk is powerful.
Mostly want iceman and longshot honestly love them both very much.
note: I only have 1 science champ Spidey duped from calender
Only took 7 years to get 6* domino.
It cosisted of : domino, black cat, invisible women, mojo, angela and ironman. Really wanted 4 out of 6, but got angela (who I didn't want honestly, ik she's tough to dupe) and guess what, she's still not duped.
I wish I'll pull anyone except gwenpool and SIM.
I have 2 titans and a titan nexus for zola. Hopefully I pull him. Good luck for you.
sure he has great immunities
sure he is good defender ( if opponent doesn’t have counter but that is becoming hard as the many new champs coming with coldsnap immunity [ just cuz they want to prevent kate nuke ] )
also needs to be sig 200
he didn’t impress me on attack ( needs recoil and boosts to be fast )
so I don’t want him
I will take longshot or ultron