War rating / war placement fix

Our ally was forced to stop war in December due to people leaving for banquet. We dropped from Plat 4 to Gold 4 while maintaining a Plat 4 war rating. Currently we are almost back to our previous war rating but it says we are only in Gold 3. I am not sure if we are bugged but we are currently fighting Plat 5 -6 allies in Gold 3. What can we do to fix this?
Your rating determines your tier which determines your multiplier. Then your multiplier obviously determines your points in aw.
You can have a high war rating running 1 BG with a high win ratio, but you are not going to be ranked very high because you are limited in points.
And your opponent is based on rating, not ranking at all.
So my guess is you started with a low war rating for the season which caused you to have a slow start with points relative to competitors.