Please Kabam give us a better test dummy to fight

Like, can’t you guys make us a test dummy that can’t be beaten? I wanna see how good some damage with some champs and I can’t fully ramp up before winter soldier is already dead, I hope I’m not alone here.
I tested Sunspot once, with a full synergy team and ramped him up...just for him not to crit vs ROL Wolverine. Terribly frustrating to play through all those fights, and then it all goes down the drain.
We already have the training arena available, just put that kind of defender there.
We know kabam can, but we’re not special enough for them to give it to us
Just stand there and let me hit you
Aegon persistent counter is 999
And you can go beyond 1000 hits in fight
It's just that no enemy has enough health for Aegon to hit that much in reality
It's not like incr you hit 1200 you get more crit rating, 1400 you get more crit damage etc...
Once he hits 999, he hits his max damage he ever gonna hit, even if you get him up to 2000 hits.