Which skill to R4?

Ive been waiting for better ones & it just hasnt happened so Im gonna make due with wjat I have & Id really appreciate some guidance as to whos gonna be best from what I have for end game content lol thanks in advance!!

Which skill to R4? 59 votes
Electra is good (or so I'm told, I've never used her). Definitely R4 worthy.
Xbones is awesome. Duped ability isn't needed. Mine isn't duped. Definitely R4 worthy
MK is good if you know how to use him. Kinda sucks that certain abilities are only available for one week per month. Debatable if he's R4 worthy
OG BP is a solid bleeder. Great for clearing content. Not as good as others like Gwenpool or Blade. Can be R4'd if you need one now.
BPCW is a decent war defender. Not much good on attack. R4 only if your attack team is sorted.
BW is worthless without a high sig ability. Even then, there are others (Like crossbones) who are good at ability reduction too. Not worth it.
Falcon is arena fodder. Not much benefit from him. Do not R4.
Oh & yes, its all 4* R4. Thanks so much so far guys, the feedback has been so interesting! Im just so torn lol both Elektra & CB seem front runners.
there is no 5 star Black Widow to take to rank 4
@Voluntaris see above...
I used this same logic when I ranked up my Scarlet Witch instead of Magik. SW is only a 4* whereas Magik is available as both 4* and 5* versions.
Im just reluctant because shes unduped & I hear that makes a massive difference? That being said I have a maxed Arc & he does the ability accuracy reduction perfectly on his own lol
If you have AA, you'll have no need for BW, even if she is high sig. My BW hasn't been used beyond arenas in months.
BW has to be duped with a decent signature and even then she is nothing like she was.
You will be using XB regularly but Elektra is more like backup to finish the job (in my case), especially in AQ and AW unless dealing with Science or certain champs.