Which skill to R4?

BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
edited December 2017 in General Discussion
Ive been waiting for better ones & it just hasnt happened so Im gonna make due with wjat I have & Id really appreciate some guidance as to whos gonna be best from what I have for end game content lol thanks in advance!! :smiley:

Which skill to R4? 59 votes

Elekra (duped)
winterthurGolden_GuardianLeNoirFaineantDarkestDestroyersweetleafsixx66Danicb94GaseousClayJets44TonyStarkDelta_14HeroBoltsySakkbanmu8szero7Nanimal79JayBird_IsTheWordDrewbe14RasiloverThesurvivlistElitehunter 21 votes
Crossbones (unduped)
GKaineDexman1349Hell_GoliathbuffajrJmoneysteckjojodeth101RotellyBUZZdog3000Darkrider05LewkkNOOOOOOOOPEEEEEZiprianoPandamanTan[Deleted User]shchong2Huffma89xTony_xDJadyIMWeaselOmegaLord 22 votes
Moon Knight (duped)
Vision_41 1 vote
BP classic (unduped)
BP Civil War (duped)
Was525Alexanderpsp 2 votes
BW (unduped)
Falcon (unduped)
Definatley keep waiting, these are GARBAGE
MattyloRagamugginGunnerMaverickDrOctavius2_2Bosko888670JP1119TheMageHunterSirTodd_83KamalaWantsToPlayTooBlaargoMmx1991CottonmouthPrakhar_82 13 votes


  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    For my first, I would probably wait, but I think duped Elektra is definitely rank 4 worthy in general.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Moon Knight (duped)
    I like playing with Moon Knight and Black Panther Civil War. Black Widow is pretty great as well as Elektra. All of them are strong options, but I wouldn't invest in Black Panther (Classic) and Falcon.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Crossbones (unduped)
    All thing considered I’d say all these champs are worth R4 for one reason or another but IMO CB is the best
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Elekra (duped)
    You are talking about 4* 4/40s? Ultimately doesn't matter much but I'd probably go with Electra. CB is also a good choice.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    Definatley keep waiting, these are GARBAGE
    Wait for Blade
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Crossbones (unduped)
    Assuming you're talking 4*:

    Electra is good (or so I'm told, I've never used her). Definitely R4 worthy.
    Xbones is awesome. Duped ability isn't needed. Mine isn't duped. Definitely R4 worthy
    MK is good if you know how to use him. Kinda sucks that certain abilities are only available for one week per month. Debatable if he's R4 worthy
    OG BP is a solid bleeder. Great for clearing content. Not as good as others like Gwenpool or Blade. Can be R4'd if you need one now.
    BPCW is a decent war defender. Not much good on attack. R4 only if your attack team is sorted.
    BW is worthless without a high sig ability. Even then, there are others (Like crossbones) who are good at ability reduction too. Not worth it.
    Falcon is arena fodder. Not much benefit from him. Do not R4.
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    Thanks guys! Need a tie breaker on CB or Elektra now lolol

    Oh & yes, its all 4* R4. Thanks so much so far guys, the feedback has been so interesting! Im just so torn lol both Elektra & CB seem front runners.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    BaironDH wrote: »
    Ive been waiting for better ones & it just hasnt happened so Im gonna make due with wjat I have & Id really appreciate some guidance as to whos gonna be best from what I have for end game content lol thanks in advance!! :smiley:

    there is no 5 star Black Widow to take to rank 4
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    BaironDH wrote: »
    Thanks guys! Need a tie breaker on CB or Elektra now lolol

    Oh & yes, its all 4* R4. Thanks so much so far guys, the feedback has been so interesting! Im just so torn lol both Elektra & CB seem front runners.

    @Voluntaris see above...
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Crossbones (unduped)
    His point is that BW does not exist as a 5* champ, so the best version of her you can have is a maxed 4*. She isn't as good as she used to be (pre-12.0), so there still isn't much value in ranking her up.

    I used this same logic when I ranked up my Scarlet Witch instead of Magik. SW is only a 4* whereas Magik is available as both 4* and 5* versions.
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    Meaning I should rank up BW because thats the best version of her there is so no need to worry about her becoming obsolete later? Of so, that makes perfect sense.

    Im just reluctant because shes unduped & I hear that makes a massive difference? That being said I have a maxed Arc & he does the ability accuracy reduction perfectly on his own lol
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Crossbones (unduped)
    That is correct. 4* is the best she can be in the game. However, she isn't very good unless she has a high-level signature ability.

    If you have AA, you'll have no need for BW, even if she is high sig. My BW hasn't been used beyond arenas in months.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Elekra (duped)
    BaironDH wrote: »
    Meaning I should rank up BW because thats the best version of her there is so no need to worry about her becoming obsolete later? Of so, that makes perfect sense.

    Im just reluctant because shes unduped & I hear that makes a massive difference? That being said I have a maxed Arc & he does the ability accuracy reduction perfectly on his own lol

    BW has to be duped with a decent signature and even then she is nothing like she was.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Elekra (duped)
    BaironDH wrote: »
    Im just so torn lol both Elektra & CB seem front runners.

    You will be using XB regularly but Elektra is more like backup to finish the job (in my case), especially in AQ and AW unless dealing with Science or certain champs.
  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    Definatley keep waiting, these are GARBAGE
    Now i don't think it's all garbage there, but there's better options for sure like blade, gwenpool and original Daredevil(duped). Also black widow is still a viable option once duped and paired with quake but yeah archangel helps with the defensive ability accuracy reduction as does Elektra when your opponent is under a debuff. So, my answer is wait
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