Active but chill ally looking for 4

Thronebreaker plus discord required
aw and aq participation required, no bgs minimum
gold 4-5 in aw
3-4k glory per week (6-7on raid weeks)
We run 1 raid BG but are looking to expand to 2
add either "5nowy" or "bogo888" on discord
or add "5nowy1990~1" or "bogo Nath" ingame
aw and aq participation required, no bgs minimum
gold 4-5 in aw
3-4k glory per week (6-7on raid weeks)
We run 1 raid BG but are looking to expand to 2
add either "5nowy" or "bogo888" on discord
or add "5nowy1990~1" or "bogo Nath" ingame