Which 7star Science Champion should I rank up to R3 ?

dv99999dv99999 Member Posts: 166
Its hard to choose, if it were you, which one would you choose, why ?

Which 7star Science Champion should I rank up to R3 ? 44 votes

OG Spiderman (awaken)
Sentry (awaken)
benshbRagnarok13Midge927Sarvanga1_Ewell65SSS69Wolf911Stupid91The_Doctor_24_1Potatoslice500Darthbane3141WEAPON_H 11 votes
Overseer (awaken)
SnakeEyes69RaganatorTensioBigTuna_2054MagrailothosGrapes7621Herbal_TaxmanAgent_TFiiNCHRenaxqqBen_15455FerahgoBilaldinhoOliver34578113579rebel_mbgibsonPowerOfACandleManbatnDarkNihilusHonorable_BluJay 21 votes
Captain America IW
Buttehrscaptain_rogersThanos77ShineUpLink 4 votes
Joe Fixit
SpadeHunterRainbringerJackTheSnackKLZwestendbearViperOfChampionSpiderVerse 7 votes
The leader
Searmenis 1 vote


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    edited February 5
    Overseer (awaken)
    Out of that lot?

    Took mine up as my first Science r3. Big and beefy, okay on defense; and the immunity to Poison/Nullify/Stagger comes in handy in a lot of endgame content.

    He's also got some ridiculous damage potential in Cosmic mode; which almost no-one is immune to.

    He's basically a lot of fun to play; and can get stuff done. There are 'better' Science champs, but you'll be surprised what Overseer can do for you. If this is a "r3 for Valiant" question, he's more than good enough to justify taking up.

    It's definitely personal preference - Classic Spidey is actually pretty decent/underrated; and Joe is very good too (but benefits a lot from being Awakened, which yours isn't).

    Cap Infinity War is a very solid champion; but isn't great for the current game meta; as he works best in a team environment (so, not Battlegrounds), Awakened at high Sig.


  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,373 ★★★★
    Only CAPIW at high sig is worthy among those, right now I wouldn't even give iso to any of those.
  • Sarah245Sarah245 Member Posts: 143 ★★
    None of them
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Overseer (awaken)
    Overseer is worthy of a r3 and had it not been for the champs that I’ve been pulling in the science department, he would have already been r3 in my roster. CapIW is also worthy. But he needs to be high sig first.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    Captain America IW
    Overseer is damn underrated
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    100% don't rank any of them. The Science class is the best in the game and none of these champs are even top 10 Science options.
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