Was the removal of all time favourite hacks necessary??

Incursions imo were really fun, and there were several factors for that,the fun Hacks being a primary one, I hated it when they removed all time favourite hacks like buff corn, keep it going nd others.
I just don't get why they had to remove those, they added a bunch of useless hacks and decided to remove the good ones along with them, I had not done incursions for the last few months for this very reason but now that I did them for the objectives they just don't feel like they did before just not that fun anymore
I just don't get why they had to remove those, they added a bunch of useless hacks and decided to remove the good ones along with them, I had not done incursions for the last few months for this very reason but now that I did them for the objectives they just don't feel like they did before just not that fun anymore
That said, there should be some type of hack that benefits you for having buffs. There are plenty for inflicting non damaging debuffs or different types of DOT. I just think BuffCorn was too OP.
100% sustain, 100% damage, 100% easy.
100% stun lock (if you pull that stun duration hack)
"" Second chance "" hack so much .