Looking for Veteran Members for Relaxed, Organized Plat AW

Veteran group recently taking ownership of an alliance with plans to build into platinum wars
Well organized with lots of experienced members up to tier1/masters level. Seeking mature players not interested in high stress top tier war but still enjoying teamwork and competition. Looking to maximize rewards while minimizing game stress and seeking members with similar mindset as we grow.
*Line required
*AQ map 6
*3 BG Raids
*200k BG minimum
*Currently tier4 AW G2/3 planning for platinum in 1-2 seasons
Contact shaad41886 on Line if interested
Well organized with lots of experienced members up to tier1/masters level. Seeking mature players not interested in high stress top tier war but still enjoying teamwork and competition. Looking to maximize rewards while minimizing game stress and seeking members with similar mindset as we grow.
*Line required
*AQ map 6
*3 BG Raids
*200k BG minimum
*Currently tier4 AW G2/3 planning for platinum in 1-2 seasons
Contact shaad41886 on Line if interested