Bahamet down!!

Sentry path super easy solo via gwenpool
The boss cheesed by nefaria and hulkling as well

2lvl 2revives on nefaria... And that's it no health potions cause I had none

G99 handled The final 5%
Cerastes iam Coming!! 😡
Sentry path super easy solo via gwenpool
The boss cheesed by nefaria and hulkling as well

2lvl 2revives on nefaria... And that's it no health potions cause I had none

G99 handled The final 5%
Cerastes iam Coming!! 😡
Enjoy, and good luck for when u (inevitably) get to glykhan.
cerastes is a breeze like everyone says, glykhan is a pain the first time around, but during my exploration I got like a clean solo, so not too bad once you learn him