Red Hulk Rework Design Concept

This is not an official design or leak made or supported by Kabam or the MCOC team.

[Signature Ability: Heat Amplification
Always Active
- Buff Immunity
- When inflicted with a nullify, stagger, neutralize, or soul barb debuff have a (10-25%) chance of cleansing it and gaining a heat charge
- When inflicted with a nullify, stagger, neutralize, or soul barb passive reduce their potencies by 50% and have a (30-100%) to inflict an incinerate, trauma, or physical vulnerability debuff on the opponent depending on the mode
- When inflicted with a spectre debuff, the opponent's willpower healing is increased by (100-150%)
- When fighting #Large or #XL champions, gain 2 extra heat charges at the beginning of the fight and add a (1-5%) chance to inflict a personal debuff per heat charge on top of the existing 10%

- Pre Fights:
* Incinerate
* Trauma
* Vulnerability

- Immunities:
* Incinerate
* Coldsnap
* 25% immunity to Nova-Flames
* 75% immunity to plasma
* Poison

- Passive (In Heat Charge):
* Starts with 1 passive heat charge buff
* Heat charges capped at 10
- Attacking (In Heat Charge):
* Each hit has a 10% chance to inflict an incinerate debuff on the opponent per heat charge
* Every 10 hits in his combo meter gain a passive heat charge
* Personal Incinerates cap out at 30

- Passive (In Trauma-Infliction):
* Starts with 2 passive heat charge buffs
* Heat charges capped at 10
- Attacking (In Trauma-Infliction):
* Each hit has a 10% chance to inflict a 10% trauma debuff on the opponent per heat charge
* Every 10 hits in his combo meter gain a passive heat charge
* Personal Traumas cap out at 30

- Passive (In Vulnerability):
* Starts with 0 passive heat charge buffs
* Heat charges capped at 10
- Attacking (In Vulnerability):
* Each hit has a 10% chance to inflict a 10% physical vulnerability debuff on the opponent per heat charge
* Every 10 hits in his combo meter gain a passive heat charge
* Personal physical vulnerabilities cap out at 15

- All personal debuffs coming from heat charges are permanent
- If launching a heavy attack right after his special attack OR chaining 2 heavy attacks against the wall, switch mode (Heat Charge -> Trauma-Infliction -> Vulnerability)
- Gains a heat charge each time an immunity activates
- Each incinerate on the opponent grants Red Hulk a 2.5% increase in attack
- When switching modes, Red Hulk's previous debuffs only apply for another 12 seconds
- When on defense have a 10% chance per heat charge to inflict an incinerate debuff when struck
- On defense, every 15 hits in the attacker's combo, gain a heat charge
- When on defense and the attacker is immune to incinerate, place a passive 10% trauma and physical vulnerability on the attacker (can stack indefinitely)

[Special Attacks:
- Special 1:
* Inflict 2 incinerate, trauma, or physical vulnerabilities depending on the mode
* If the opponent is immune to the given effect, put two 12 second 50% spectre debuffs on them
* If sp1 is launched twice in a row, place an extra 12 second 50% spectre debuff on the opponent
* Spectre debuffs cap out at 4
* On defense all debuffs act the same, however are inflicted at the start of the special attack

- Special 2:
* Stuns the opponent for 0.75 seconds
* Converts all personal debuffs into passives and resets heat charges to starting amount
* Passives have the same cap as the normal debuffs
* Apply 2 50% 12 second cowardice debuffs on the opponent
* Gain 2 heat charges

- Special 3:
* Increase heat charge cap to 15
* Apply a 150% incinerate vulnerability, passive trauma, or passive vulnerability depending on the mode (doesn't count toward the cap)
* Refresh all debuffs and passives on the opponent
* Gain a health steal passive which allows Red Hulk to steal 2% of the damage he deals to the opponent through any means which caps at either 90% hp or if he gains more than 1.5% hp per second

Let me know your thoughts, if there is anything to clarify, and what to add/remove.


  • PotatoGodPotatoGod Member Posts: 96
    Did this because I pulled 2 red hulks out of the titan and want it to be worth it. Buff him pls Kabam for Brave New World.
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