Is it really rng? Because there's no way.

PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,226 ★★★★
Ok. Nobody wants skill. We have not a single skill 7* banger just a bunch of decent options. (YES there are good options but zero bangers....even Vega is like....meh idk...patriot?) Thats how bad 7* skill class is. But my issue here is rng. Every single gem I've opened from everest content. Every single one. Has been skill. I read somewhere it's not 100% even rng. Why am I getting only skill gems? Awakening. R3. R4. Every single one. It just doesn't seem like that's possible.



  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,321 ★★★★★
    The good news is you'll have it ready for when we do eventually get that 7* skill must have banger.
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 457 ★★
    Pandingo said:

    In the long run. It doesn't matter. I'll keep playing like i have for 10 years. I may take breaks when the ai and such gets too rediculous. Like when they use computer reaction times to counter dashes at the last conceivable second etc etc. But I wanted to gripe. It just blows my mind. I'll sit on the r4 until a progression level forces me to use it or they drop a banger skill champ. Until then it's not account changing. It's just a bummer to be most excited for the profile Pic after all that work. 🤣

    OKOYE or GWENPOOL Trust fam
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    edited February 21
    Skill isn't even THAT bad like
    Pandingo said:

    bangers....even Vega is like....meh idk...patriot?) Thats how bad 7* skill class is.

    It isn't ao awful that you have to rank patriot lmao that's insane exaggeration, we also do have skill bangers like xbones, bullseye. yes the class is terrible but it isn't even that bad man 💀

    Xbones, bullseye, black cat, shang, monkey, moleman(ik he's very rare atm) and mantis, korg and attuma are also great defensive options for bgs and war.

    I'm not defending skill class, its thr absolute worst class for sure but just not as terrible as claimed, overhated due to lack of enjoyable attackers. My comment would probably look different if I pulled skill instead of mutant but it is what it is ig
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Its time we get 7* nick fury tbf
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,329 ★★★★
    R4 bullseye it is. Black cat or cheelith would be kinda wild too. Prob just save for NF to be a 7 star though
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,321 ★★★★★
    I love black cat. Have her at r3 unduped and she still shreds.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,342 ★★★★★
    Not so easy to find but it does happen.

  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,629 ★★★★★
    Just imagine what an R4 Crossbones could do if you are talented enough to keep the furies up…
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,847 ★★★★
    If I was you, I'd save it (and all my Titans) for Okoye.
    Her damage really is insane.
    I can't even imagine what she'd be like at R4.
  • The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 215 ★★
    I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorists or something but there's definitely something that makes you pull class specific items and champs on certain occasions. Like for instance one day you keep pulling mutant champs, sigs and other stuff and other times just science, just an observation.

    Being said that I pulled a skill AG too and there's only Ronin and Moondragon to use it on, that class definitely needs a buff.
    As for the 3》4 i recommend Shang Chi or Bullseye if you ever pull those guys
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,210 ★★★★
    I would like that skill gems for my favourite skill champs, cheelith
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    Don't worry bro. I know it is bad but It happens. It is RNG you can't do anything about it.

    And speaking of bangers Hit monkey is a banger. My R3 hit monkey finish RoL WS in 30 second. If this is not banger then idk what is defination of banger.

    Hit monkey is my favourite in 7*. There are other good skill champion like cheelth, mentis, bullseye, korg and killmonger for defence.

    Also don't worry R4 would be normal in 5-6 must be close to your 2nd R4 you have done necro carina challenge.
  • Jez25Jez25 Member Posts: 48
    Pandingo said:

    Ok. Nobody wants skill. We have not a single skill 7* banger just a bunch of decent options. (YES there are good options but zero bangers....even Vega is like....meh idk...patriot?) Thats how bad 7* skill class is. But my issue here is rng. Every single gem I've opened from everest content. Every single one. Has been skill. I read somewhere it's not 100% even rng. Why am I getting only skill gems? Awakening. R3. R4. Every single one. It just doesn't seem like that's possible.

    try getting Patriot 4 times in a row for Titan Crystal.
    By the way.. isnt Bullseye a top champ?
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,546 ★★★★
    It's not rng. Kabam personally chooses skill gems for your because venompool is red and so is skill.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,869 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Jabari panther is a good r4 option

    Never thought id see the day where someone would use Jabari and r4 in the same sentence
    She's a great option for path 9 in AW. She's better than most people realize. Not that you'll listen but there's other champs that exist that aren't Hercules.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,680 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Listening to Vega's rankup advice is like worst thing one can do to their account, blud really suggested Patriot in whole skill class to r4 despite him being notorious to oversell midass champs, him overhyping Mid-O-phyne and that trashy banquet crystals was so painful.

    Crossbones, Korg, attuma, Moleman, okoye (yeah she's great) Bullseye, monkey, blackcat and shangchi? Personally I'd r4 my Elsa instantly but him suggesting Patriot is very questionable.

    Makes me wonder if CCP has the inside scoop about Patriot’s buff. The idea of taking him to r4 is inexplicable otherwise.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,869 ★★★★★

    All "bangers". I continue to fail to understand why people listen strictly to YouTubers for rank up advice. Just because one says there aren't "bangers" you're here questioning the most debunked theory in this game.

    Just rank who you enjoy playing. Or hold it until Vega tells you someone is worthy. Who cares
  • Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Member Posts: 330 ★★
    well , my first rank 3 was a tech gem to mysterio because i didn't have anyone better.
    my first rank 4 was gaurdian because of a tech gem too. lol
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,690 ★★★★★

    Here's another good r4 skill option for you
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,659 ★★★★★


    All "bangers". I continue to fail to understand why people listen strictly to YouTubers for rank up advice. Just because one says there aren't "bangers" you're here questioning the most debunked theory in this game.

    Just rank who you enjoy playing. Or hold it until Vega tells you someone is worthy. Who cares

    I've seen the CCP saying how Deathless Thanos is the best thing since sliced bread, and I have not liked him very much.

    While I agree with the sentiment of not just listening to YouTubers, at the same time, none of those champions you've listed are someone I would feel 100% great about taking to R4.

    Those champions you've listed - I've tried them and not liked them. I've watched CCP videos saying how amazing they are (not just the videos saying they aren't that great), and tried them again, and still not liked them.

    I created a list of 7-star champions that I would take to R4 without question. Skill class? None that I would feel great about. So overall, I agree with how OP is feeling, that Skill class is this least exciting rank up gem to get.

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