AQ/Raid/BGs focused 190 mil alliance

Dawn of the Elite (Đawń) are looking for a few Valiant (Min prestige 23k) players wanting to join an AQ, Raid and BG alliance.

We require DISCORD.

Currently run: AQ: 8 × 8 × 6 (Map 8 assigned lanes no modifiers, Map 6 Epic modifiers) and 8x6x6 if needed during the holidays. You can choose either one.

BGs: 300k minimum, top 200 rank.

Raids: All 3 bgs and we always 100% finish in the first 1-2 days (assigned champ and path). Top 200 rank.

AW: Optional to farm loyalty, defender placement is mandatory, and we are still gold with limited participation.

Banquet: As an alliance we hit 1.3 mil this past season.

If you are interested add me on discord jacquief and we can talk more!


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