AI recovery speed

Anyone else getting AI fights that they recover and react at nano-second speed?? I’m getting double combo’d… AI can dash attack twice before my champ can finish a single dash back. When you close distance dash in against An AI opening (especially when the AI is walking towards you) you get light intercepted, where the distance is physically impossible for a human player to do the same intercept to the AI? Throwing a special before your combo even finishes its last hit animation?
That explains more than the lightning recovery by opponents. It also explains the weird intercepts and “misintercepts” as well as the hits that don’t make contact even when it looks like they did.
Code on code, month after month, dev after dev. Eventually, it starts to build up.
That’s just my uninformed opinion, however. I know I know nothing.
Dr. Zola
I said that Kebem will 100% mess with AI speed again
And once again, Kebem proved me right.
They can't help themselves into touching perfect things but god forbid we ask them to fix broken things, then they either go mute or say "we're looking into it"
Nothing in between.
The way I view it is: we all deal with it, so it's just part of the game difficulty now.
You can still counter it but it requires zero hesitation in your own inputs, which does make the playing experience pretty intense and stressful when tackling competitive content....
From their inaction I can only assume that everything is working as intended according to KABAM and nothing will change...... which is absolute garbage.
So why assume this is some conspiracy instead of a complex AI interaction or consequence that has no easy fix?
I feel like if they really wanted to it would be fixed already. How hard it is to dial back the recovery speed? So easy to turn it up but they can't turn it back down. C'mon man....
Maybe you're right though. But the longer KABAM avoid addressing the community the worse it makes them look IMO.
And I think this is one of them because based on what everyone says (and what video shows) this isn't something that a global AI behavior tweak would fix.
The unpredictability and randomness of the recovery speed suggests that it’s an unintended side effect of multiple mechanics interacting. That is super difficult (and maybe even impossible) to cleanly fix.
I just can't imagine that at these Kabam meetings, in a room full of people like DLL and others who play this game as passionately as the rest of us, the meeting ends with something like: "Even though we hate this recovery issue, and even though there is an easy fox for it, let's just not do anything and keep everyone, including us, super frustrated and unhappy."
I guess I just think that KABAM needs to communicate a lot more with us on this either way.
It just doesn't feel like they're even starting to address the problem. If they have, how so?
If you’re having issues, you need to report it and be very specific and answer any questions they have.
There are a lot of moving pieces in this game. Narrowing down the actual problem helps a lot.
But that Crashed comment is still from October ‘24…
Dr. Zola
And notice how they haven’t fixed the ability to scroll through friends in the contacts list.
Come on Kabam! Get your stuff together!
But yes, I apologize for not being like you. How's this?
"Kebem suckz. I h8 dis game; it iz horrorrable. Neva gonna quitz tho becoz eyez gotz notin betterz 2 dooh.
Flood their ticket system with the issue.
It will make its way up if there’s enough tickets for the same thing and then work its way down to get people to fix it.