
Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
Any ideas for relics guys? I think it’s about high time that there are new relics, as some do not apply to some champs well.
Galan relic for debuff cosmics
On activation energise buff for 10 seconds
Slot one increases the duration of debuffs Knull/ cgr increases duration of corruption/ duration of armor breaks
Slot two decreases the potency of opponent armor up buffs or aa reduction on armors gladiator/cgr deal bursts of energy damage on opponents failed activation of miss
Slot 3 increases potency of debuffs or aa of debuffs galan/ cgr more duration of incinerates

Awakening increases potency of future damaging effects by 20% ( like the venom relics bleed vulnerability)

I’ll think of more when I can 👌


  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★★
    I'm all for it but from what I can gather relics have been something of a failure.
    It seems like most people just use them as combo extenders or interceptors, and only a tiny % of players actually rank them up and match them up strategically to specific champs.
    It probably has to do with the fact that nodes and the champ kits themselves are already a burden to read for most players, so adding something else they have to read and analyze is a step too far.

    Personally, I like them, especially when you can get some wacky unintentional interactions.

    For example, ramped Sentry + Mr. Fantastic synergy + Ant Man relic = 50-70k power sting damage every time opponent launches a special. (not a million damage like Ham can do, but these are constant and last throughout the whole fight).
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    😟 I generally thought people took up relics for the bonuses. Just lazy honestly, relics are a really good addition. Makes sense though, I encounter loads of people asking which relic is good for hulk 👁️👄👁️ people just don’t like to read anymore.
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Thanks for the feedback though
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,486 ★★★★
    Kabam are scared to death to make more relics or let people max out the 6* relics they have.

    You could R3 a relic for the first time about 14 months ago and R3 materials in battlegrounds are still the most expensive thing there.

    I think relics are going to end up meeting the same fate as Quake and magik, in that Kabam won’t make them in 7* form or let people rank them any higher.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,319 ★★★★
    We're getting more relics this year. The only reason they stopped was so they could focus on deathless champions
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★

    We're getting more relics this year. The only reason they stopped was so they could focus on deathless champions

    Don't spread misinformation. We dont know if we're getting relics or not. They said they were working on ideas, not that we'd be guaranteed to get them. Plus their working on eidols this year too
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 820 ★★★★

    I'm all for it but from what I can gather relics have been something of a failure.
    It seems like most people just use them as combo extenders or interceptors, and only a tiny % of players actually rank them up and match them up strategically to specific champs.

    I’d love to use my relics more strategically, and indeed that’s what I was doing at the beginning. The problem is precisely that Kabam stopped making them that I can’t. There’s only 4 unique relics for each class, 16 total across different rarities, and that puts a lot of strain on your ability to use relics as of current. Before I had things like the Black Panther relic on Shang-chi because that’s an obviously good pairing, but as I got a broader roster I had to start being selective about who got my relics. Now Attuma has that relic. Is it good on him? Not really, but I like using Attuma and want him to have a relic so I guess he has it now.

    Which kinda brings me to the other problem with the fact Kabam stopped making relics, which is that 4 unique relics per class is not a lot at all. If a champ doesn’t have abilities that line up with the 4 class relics, you’re out of luck. This is only made worse by the fact that we have several relics that are just needlessly niche like Ant-man, SWitch, and Venom. If we had more relics this probably wouldn’t be a problem, but as is I have things like Maestro with the Ms. Marvel relic for no reason other than I kinda have to make do.

    We’re more than a year past when Kabam put a halt on the relic pipeline, and we still don’t have any real word on what’s happening. I’m hoping that they’ll finally do something, but at this point I really don’t know how much faith I have. The only thing we had to go on was that we wouldn’t get anything until this year, and we’re almost two months in, so I guess I just gotta pray they announce something soon. If relics end up dying, I’d like to point the blame at the many players who adamantly refuse to see their value, but I can really only look to Kabam leaving relics on life support for so long if I wanted to assign fault.
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    @Squidopus That’s true when I think about it they are rather niche. The black panther is perfect for attuma btw.
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    You guys have a good point overall thanks. Quite a shame though honestly I really think that relics are really valuable but oh well thanks again
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★★
    Squidopus said:

    I'm all for it but from what I can gather relics have been something of a failure.
    It seems like most people just use them as combo extenders or interceptors, and only a tiny % of players actually rank them up and match them up strategically to specific champs.

    I’d love to use my relics more strategically, and indeed that’s what I was doing at the beginning. The problem is precisely that Kabam stopped making them that I can’t. There’s only 4 unique relics for each class, 16 total across different rarities, and that puts a lot of strain on your ability to use relics as of current. Before I had things like the Black Panther relic on Shang-chi because that’s an obviously good pairing, but as I got a broader roster I had to start being selective about who got my relics. Now Attuma has that relic. Is it good on him? Not really, but I like using Attuma and want him to have a relic so I guess he has it now.

    Which kinda brings me to the other problem with the fact Kabam stopped making relics, which is that 4 unique relics per class is not a lot at all. If a champ doesn’t have abilities that line up with the 4 class relics, you’re out of luck. This is only made worse by the fact that we have several relics that are just needlessly niche like Ant-man, SWitch, and Venom. If we had more relics this probably wouldn’t be a problem, but as is I have things like Maestro with the Ms. Marvel relic for no reason other than I kinda have to make do.

    We’re more than a year past when Kabam put a halt on the relic pipeline, and we still don’t have any real word on what’s happening. I’m hoping that they’ll finally do something, but at this point I really don’t know how much faith I have. The only thing we had to go on was that we wouldn’t get anything until this year, and we’re almost two months in, so I guess I just gotta pray they announce something soon. If relics end up dying, I’d like to point the blame at the many players who adamantly refuse to see their value, but I can really only look to Kabam leaving relics on life support for so long if I wanted to assign fault.
    I agree with you that they seem somewhat abandoned by Kabam, and I don't want to see them die either because I actually have a lot invested in several 6R3 relics.
    The only bright side I can think of right now is that, given the small pool of relics, our odds of awakening one of our 6* relics from the crystal is much higher than it would be if there were more relics available...
    Small comfort, but it's something....
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,107 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    We're getting more relics this year. The only reason they stopped was so they could focus on deathless champions

    Don't spread misinformation. We dont know if we're getting relics or not. They said they were working on ideas, not that we'd be guaranteed to get them. Plus their working on eidols this year too
    Eidols are the same as regular champs though. Just not released into the titans and acquired different ways. Not extra like deathless were.
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