Ares the new interesting boss

Yes interesting, you read right !
Ok he is a pain in the .... when you have to fight him for the first 30-40 times but i must admit the fights were really nice to do, i even get accustomed to guess which SP he will use to destroy me !
Well, after lots of errors, wrong SP guess, bad timings, i did manage to do the right actions and survive those nasty SP Ares used.
Now i wonder if it could be possible, for those having 100% finished the Epoch of pain to get the possibility to practice Ares (without doing path again and without rewards, just for fun) or if we could encounter him again in RAIDs or any other content ?
Ok he is a pain in the .... when you have to fight him for the first 30-40 times but i must admit the fights were really nice to do, i even get accustomed to guess which SP he will use to destroy me !
Well, after lots of errors, wrong SP guess, bad timings, i did manage to do the right actions and survive those nasty SP Ares used.
Now i wonder if it could be possible, for those having 100% finished the Epoch of pain to get the possibility to practice Ares (without doing path again and without rewards, just for fun) or if we could encounter him again in RAIDs or any other content ?
Ares obviously needs reverse reversed controls like 1% HP Necro GM had 🤣
We can throw Abyss Collector somewhere in there. (BOOM Ambush, Suprise m...)
I’ve fully explored it. It’s was terrible. Terrible design that is pure and simply about getting us to spend units and real money. It’s designed so when you are 15 revives in and hundreds of units down the drain you have no option but to continue, or give up your resources.
The Ai is not co-operative, they removed the option to intercept at 30%. They degen your health, so the potions that are used are borderline pointless. This is done so you cannot survive a mistake. The fight itself is boring. There is no variation to the fight. Bait heavy, punish. Trigger special and hope for the best.
Yes there are people who have mastered it. Well done to them. 95% of the rest of us have to brute force it.
And what do we get at the end? A skill rank up gem. Quite simply the worst of them all. Couldn’t even get a selector or generic, id have preferred 1 x T7B.
Regardless, my sig 200 Xbones is happy, even if I’m not.
I think that would be nice to have him as another boss elsewhere or even a slightly different playable version like Maestro
If they insist on using him as a reoccurring boss people need to be able to practice.
(Let's not include the modders, kabam was way too lenient with modders, every single modder started their account with abyss smh, shame on kabam for those times, modders gonna mod anyway)
I messed up during the first phase as the attacks were very slow so I was getting hit alot during specials but once I got down the rhythm, I never got hit by a special again as I was able to guess correctly each time, never got hit by the acts of aggression etc. It was such a nice experience. I only used one team revive. The final phase was not as scary as I thought it'd be.
I really loved this fight and the designer did a VERY GREAT JOB.
I do however think the mini bosses are the hardest part of the entire quest alongside the linked node combinations but yes, this quest was INDEED a revive farm.
I didn't jump into it immediately and made sure i was ready and had the sp patterns imprinted into my brain, watched lots of videos, even practiced. I think that's what made it easy for me. I took my time before jumping in.
I found the grandmaster to be the hardest boss in the game and ares (so far) the most enjoyable.